Page 50 - Doctor inks journal1
P. 50

Pertevniyl’s Empress Punch   9.5

                                 Turkish Harem Sherbet

                                    Black Cow Vodka,
                                  Lanique Rose Liqueur,

                            Orange And Cardamom Tincture,

                                      Rose Water,
                                     Pressed Citron,

                                  Turkish Delight Kebab


          Pertevniyal Valide Sultan, mother of Turkish Sultan Abdülaziz, who made an
                  official visit to France, United Kingdom and Prussia in 1867.
          In 1868, Empress Eugénie of France returned the visit and was taken by the

        Sultan to his mother in the Dolmabahçe Palace but reportedly, Pertevniyal became
           outraged by the presence of a foreign woman in her harem, and greeted the
           Empress with a slap on the face, almost provoking an international incident.
           The true nature of this story is that the good Doctor (the on /off lover of

         Pertevniyal) was nearly discovered by the Empress (another of his conquests) and
         the Sultan Valide thinking of the shame and potential conflict this would cause

             with France, chose the lesser of two outcomes and slapped the Empress.
        Meanwhile, the Doctor snuck out the back of the palace harem never to grace it’s
                                       walls again.

            Inspired by….. Boothbys American Bartender 1891 Recipe For Turkish Harem Sherbet.

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