Page 163 - Malcolm Gladwell - Talking to Strangers
P. 163

What do I think? I have no idea. I will let others tackle the morass of conflicting evidence and
                    speculation and ambiguity that is the Sandusky case. My interest is simply this: if the case is such a
                    mess, how on earth can you put Spanier, Curley, and Schultz behind bars?
                    the  “graduate  assistant…reported  what  he  had  seen”:  Sandusky  Grand  Jury  Presentment,
                    November    5,    2011,
                    presentment.pdf, pp. 6–7.
                    McQueary’s email to Jonelle Eshbach was obtained by Ray Blehar, a blogger in the Penn State
                    area. Ray Blehar, “Correcting the Record: Part 1: McQueary’s 2001 Eye-witness Report,” Second
                    Mile  –  Sandusky  Scandal  (SMSS):  Searching  for  the  Truth  through  a  Fog  of  Deception  (Blog),
                    October   9,   2017,

                    Rachael Denhollander’s statement: “Rachael Denhollander delivers powerful final victim speech
                    to   Larry   Nassar,”   YouTube,   January   24,   2018,

                    “And unfortunately, I was right…deepest, darkest hole and hide”: “Survivor reported sexual
                    assault in 1997, MSU did nothing,” YouTube, January 19, 2018,
                    “This just goes to show…patients lie to get doctors in trouble”: Melissa Korn, “Larry Nassar’s
                    Boss  at  Michigan  State  Said  in  2016  That  He  Didn’t  Believe  Sex  Abuse  Claims,”  Wall  Street
                    Journal,  March  19,  2018,
                    Quotes  from  Believed  podcast:  Kate  Wells  and  Lindsey  Smith,  “The  Parents,”  Believed,
                    NPR/Michigan      Radio,      Podcast     audio,     November       26,     2018,

                    “He does that to me all the time!”: Kerry Howley, “Everyone Believed Larry Nassar,” New York
                    Magazine/The  Cut,  November  19,  2018,

                    “I had to make an extremely hard choice…your dark, broken soul”: “Lifelong friend, longtime
                    defender   speaks   against   Larry   Nassar,”   YouTube,   January   19,   2018,
                    “I asked the specific question…as far away from him as possible”: Allan Myers interview with
                    Curtis Everhart (Criminal Defense Investigator), November 9, 2011.
                    The  only  time  Myers  ever  appeared…he  didn’t  recall  thirty-four  times:  Commonwealth  v.
                    Gerald A. Sandusky (Appeal), November 4, 2016, p. 10.
                    “Are  you  sure…like  that  before”  and  “Every  one  of  you…would  back  them  up”:  Jeffrey
                    Toobin, “Former Penn State President Graham Spanier Speaks,” The New Yorker, August 21, 2012,
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