Page 39 - The Church and Education PDF Pro
P. 39

1.  List and describe the four areas that the early church spent the majority of its resources on?

               2. The word, tithe, comes from the                                              word, meaning “one tenth.”

               3.  What forms of income in the Old Testament were required to be tithed?

               4.  How were these tithes paid?

               5.  The Mosaic Law of the tithe was actually composed of                           tithes.

               6.  What was the total percentage that the Mosaic Law of Tithing required of a farmer?

               7.  Some pastors argue that since Abraham and Jacob gave tithes before the Law was given, then it
               justifies demanding that their church model the practice.  How is this an illegitimate argument?

               8.  Don’t the four passages in the New Testament establish a basis for church tithing?

               9.  How many times did Paul command the churches to give based on the Mosaic Law of the Tithe?

               10.  The greatest problem with the tithe today is that gives the membership a false idea about money.
               What is that false idea?

               Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                      Have you ever heard a pastor tell his membership that they are robbing God if they don’t tithe
                      (ie., give 10% of their income to God (church))?                                        The generally cite a verse
                      in Malachi.  After reading this lesson, do you think the membership of your church is required by
                      Scripture to tithe 10% of their income to God?
                      Why or why not?

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