Page 40 - The Church and Education PDF Pro
P. 40
Just because the church is not required to tithe, the church is required to give generously. Our next
lesson will detail out how the New Testament lays out a giving plan that frees us from the law of the
Tithe, but yet demands faithfulness in giving.
Chapter 8: Finances (continued)
The Church is living in the age of GRACE. Jesus Christ at his death fulfilled the demands of
the LAW on our behalf and ushered in a NEW COVENANT. The veil of the temple was ripped
in two from top to bottom and now we have direct access to the Father through our
mediator, Jesus Christ. Our response to this unmerited favor must we one of LOVE. We love
Him because He first loved us, and demonstrated His love in His sacrificial death for us. And
our love compels us to give. We give not out of obligation, but from a heart overflowing with
gratitude. With these thoughts in mind, if we are no longer under the LAW of the TITHE, then how does