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had both the readiness and desire (8:10-12, 9:2); they gave cheerfully and not grudgingly or under
               compulsion (9:7).

               We should ask ourselves not how much I must to give, but how much can I possibly give?  We should
               look at the needs of others and look for ways to meet those needs.

                                  4.  We are being led by the Holy Spirit of God, not under the old dispensation of
                                  the Law.

                                  Romans 8:14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.

               Galatians 5:18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
               These passages talk about the Holy Spirit leading the believer into righteous, godly living.  Such
               leadership involves sharing financial resources (Gal. 6:6, 10)

               It is easier to follow a set of rules.  Give 10% and now you can feel good about yourself!  But God wants
               us to be led by the Holy Spirit in making all our decisions, including giving.  The Holy Spirit may ask you
               to give 35% of what He gives you.  I am not living by rules, but within a relationship with the living God!

               5.  Giving based on how much God has prospered you!  So if God has given you a bunch, give a bunch.
               Give according to your ability to give, and on occasion, God may ask you to give beyond your ability.
               Sometimes God asks us to give sacrificially.  But the general principle is, give as God
               has prospered you.

               When God entrusts you with more money, instead of spending it on more things for
               yourself (which will rust and be eaten by moths or stolen by thieves), ask yourself,
               “Lord, how do you want this money used to expand your Kingdom?”  As God gives
               you more, you should increase the percentage you give, not just the amount.  Set a
               basic level for your livelihood, and then commit to giving the rest to God.  You will find that as you are
               faithful, God will channel more of his resources through you.

               Here is the catch.  You cannot start giving someday in the future when you are rich.  You start today with
               the resources you presently manage.  Jesus commended the poor widow who gave all she had to live
               on, but he was not impressed with the large gifts of the rich, because they had much left over (Mark

                                 George Muller is remembered as a man who received millions of dollars to support
                                 his orphanages, in response to secret prayer without making any needs known to
                                 others.  What many don’t know is that Muller gave away vast amounts to the Lord’s
                                 work out of funds that were given for his personal support.  From 1870 on, he
                                 personally contributed the full support for about 20 missionaries with the China
                                 Inland Mission.  From 1831-1885, he gave away 86% of his personal income!  As the
                                 Lord prospered him, he could have lived in style.  But he lived simply and gave away
                                 the rest to advance God’s kingdom on earth and to see hundreds, if not thousands,
               of souls saved for all eternity.

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