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God want us to give?  Has He laid out any giving plan in the New Testament?  The answer is a
               resounding YES.  Let’s see how believers are to give to God and others in the age of GRACE….

               So what does the New Testament teach us about giving?

                       The New Testament teaches GRACE GIVING!

                       As Christ fulfilled the demands of the Old Testament Law, He rent the veil of the temple from
                       top to bottom.  This was a symbol that His death fulfilled the
                       demands of the Law and He ushered in a new covenant of
                       GRACE to all who believe.

               Grace is not a hang-loose, undisciplined sort of living.  Nor is grace the
               balance point between legalism and licentiousness.  Further, grace as a
               system is totally opposed to legalism and licentiousness, which are two
               sides of the same coin.

               Legalism and licentiousness both operate on the principle of, and in the realm of the flesh.  Legalism is
               an attempt to earn standing before God through human effort and leads to pride or condemnation,
               depending on how well you do.  Licentiousness casts off all restraints and lives to gratify the flesh.

               But God’s grace is His unmerited favor based on Christ’s sacrifice.  The motivating power in grace is the
               indwelling Spirit of God.  The person under grace responds out of love and gratitude to God and
               depends upon the indwelling Holy Spirit to conform his life to what God requires.  With that basic
               understanding of grace, let me spell out some things that grace giving is NOT, and some things that it is.

               GRACE GIVING IS ….

               1.  NOT Random and irresponsible.  It does not mean that you give every now and then, hit and miss.  It
               is planned and systematic.

               I Cor 16:2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered
               him, that there be no gatherings when I come.

               II Cor 9:7 Each one of you should give just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under
               compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver.

               2.  It is not based on feelings.  Being under grace does not mean living by feelings.    Living under grace
               means walking by faith and obedience in response to God’s love.  There are many commands we live by
               under grace.

               3.  Grace giving is NOT less demanding than the law.  Actually God’s grace should motivate us to excel
               far more than the minimum under the law.

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