Page 35 - Personal Spiritual Life Syllabus w videos
P. 35

How to Study the Bible in context!

               5.4 Let’s Practice…

                            1-2. Give two suggestions about where you should have your Bible study daily:

                            3. Why is it dangerous to study a verse of Scripture in isolation?

                            4.  What is the difference between literal and figurative language?

               5.  Why can we NOT build doctrines on historical characters or events in the Bible?

               6.  How can a knowledge of original languages assist you in studying the Bible?

               7-8. What two major errors can you make in Bible interpretation?

               9-12. What four key areas must be understood to properly divide God’s Word?

               5.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                            Activity:  In Luke 4, Jesus journeyed from Judean wilderness north to Nazareth.  How long
                            do you think that trip took him by foot? ____________ He addressed those in the
                            synagogue there who became incensed that He declared Himself as Messiah.  He was
                            taken to a precipice to be thrown headlong to his death.    But Jesus passed through the
                            crowd and the Bible says, “And he came down to Capernaum.” (Verse 31).  Now it’s time
               to apply this lesson.  Find out why it says that Jesus “came down” to Capernaum:

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