Page 37 - Personal Spiritual Life Syllabus w videos
P. 37
As you sit down and begin to read, you might want to have a notebook so you can write some things
Here are some suggestions when approaching your Bible Study devotionally:
1. Begin studying with prayer (Ps. 119: 18, John 16: 13 - 15)
2. Take brief notes on what you read. (use a small notebook)
3. Read slowly through the passage. Ask yourself what the passage is about. Read it again.
4. When finished, answer these questions about the passage:
a. What is the main subject of this passage?
b. Who are the persons revealed in this passage: Who is speaking? To whom is he
speaking? About whom is he speaking?
c. What is the key verse in this passage?
d. Is there any sin for me to confess and forsake in this passage?
e. Is there any command for me to obey in this passage?
f. Is there any promise for me to claim?
g. Is there any instruction for me to follow?
h. Is there a prayer that I should pray?
5. Keep a spiritual diary and write down how God spoke to you through this passage.
6. Memorize the key verse or verses in the passage.
7. Obey what God tells you to do.
Study for Bible Knowledge. The purpose of this type of study is to probe the depths
of God’s Word - to get to the real meat of the passages and better understand God’s
original thoughts which He penned.
Here are some suggestions for studying the Bible for knowledge:
Perform a background study: Before studying the details of the passage, you must
first understand some background information about the passage. This includes:
1. When the book was written and to whom it was written.
2. The author of the passage, if known.
3. The date it was written.
4. The purpose of writing the book.
5. The language of the book.
6. The culture of those to whom it was written.
7. The geography of the passage.
8. The history behind the passage. Answer the question, “What was happening historically
during the writing of this passage or book?”
Getting out your tool chest of helpful aids.
Just as a carpenter uses tools to form wood into a beautiful cabinet or piece of furniture, the person
who wants to carefully study God’s Word must utilize some basic tools to achieve success. Let’s look at
some of those tools.