Page 38 - Personal Spiritual Life Syllabus w videos
P. 38
1. A good study Bible (translated with a formal approach). It will contain:
a. Charts
b. Cross References (generally in the margin next to passage)
c. Notes which clarify meanings of various verses (generally located at the
bottom of each page and reference verses contained on the same page.)
d. Subject headings throughout, dividing the chapters into various topics.
e. The use of italics to indicate words not found in original languages but implied
by it.
f. Alternate readings of verses (generally in margin next to passage).
g. Introduction of each book in the Bible giving Title, Author, Background,
Settings, Historical Information, Basic Topics, and Outline for the book.
h. Biblical Cyclopedic Index (generally in the beginning of the book) which
references proper nouns and verbs and shows their usage and location in the Bible)
i. Other supporting study material
j. Concordance
k. Maps
One of the best study Bibles in print is the MacArthur Study Bible, available in NASV, NKJV (more
formal) and NIV, or (small and large print). Web sites: Hardcover: $26.99 Leather: $54.99 @; hardcover: $33.74, Leather: $48.74 @; Hardcover: $26.39
(new) or $10.00 used @; Hardcover: $29.24, Leather: $42.24 @
2. A good Bible dictionary: recommended: Unger’s Bible Dictionary, Easton’s Bible Dictionary (on-line
version available through, Smith’s Bible Dictionary, or Strong’s Bible Dictionary.
3. A good Bible Handbook: recommended: Halley’s Bible Handbook, Zondervan Handbook of the Bible,
Illustrated Bible Handbook (Richards).
4. Three or Four Bible Commentaries. Recommended: Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the
Whole Bible, Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament, The Bible Exposition Commentary,
The Bible Knowledge Commentary, The Teacher’s Commentary.
Consider purchasing the Logos Bible Library System 4 which contains all the above works PLUS
hundreds of other books and references for Bible Study Library ( 170 Bibles and reference books) up to
Scholars Library Gold (700 volumes worth over $11,700.00. Search the internet for best pricing (ex., See product information on along with demonstrations.
Prayer changes things!
(Many ideas in this section were suggested by Robert Velarde in his article, Prayer and the Difference it Makes.
Psalm 39:12 Hear my prayer, O LORD, listen to my cry for help.