Page 36 - Personal Spiritual Life Syllabus w videos
P. 36

Study Section 6:  Different Ways to Study the Bible

                6.1 Connect.

                           Have you ever read about the life of George Muller?  He lived between 1805
                           and 1898.  As a youth, he was into all kinds of trouble, but God got a hold of
                           his heart and saved him when he was a young adult.  He became a great
                           preacher, but was also led to care for the destitute orphans in England, so he
                           decided God wanted him to build an orphanage.  He laid down a rule for his
               life and ministry to NEVER let anyone know of his needs – he would only present his
               needs to Jesus in prayer.  He wanted everyone to know that God is mighty and can
               answer prayer.  All the money that came into the orphanages came directly from prayer and without
               asking another person.

               George Muller is remembered as a man who received millions of dollars to support his orphanage, in
               response to secret prayer, without making any needs known to others.  During his life, George Muller
               had the privilege of caring for over 120,000 orphan children.   He also traveled over 200,000 miles to
               preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 42 countries and to challenge believers about world missions and
               trusting God.  What an amazing man of prayer!  Let’s see how Bible study and prayer could change your
               life as it did his…..

                6.2 Objectives:

                       1.  The student should be able to describe the two main approaches to studying the Bible and
                       the strengths of each approach.

                       2.  The student should be able to describe what prayer is, we must first learn about the nature
               of God

               3.  The student should be able to discern what true prayer to God is and what it is NOT.

                6.3 Studying the Bible

                            There are two main approaches to studying God’s Word.  They are the following:

                            Devotional Bible Study:  The purpose of this type of study is to get to KNOW God and to
                            DO HIS WILL.  This is the most important type of study you can do.  This study means you
                            study the Word of God in order that you may hear God’s voice personally and that you
                            may know how to do His will and to live more like Christ on a daily basis.  A devotional
               study may incorporate the necessity to study the passage for knowledge, as

               Select a passage of Scripture.  If you are a new believer, perhaps start in the
               New Testament with Matthew and read through the New Testament, book
               by book.

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