Page 49 - Personal Spiritual Life Syllabus w videos
P. 49

Based on the response of party, they suggest that if a person says, “Yes” to the last question, open your
               Bible and proceed with the Gospel presentation.  If the person responds with a “no” answer, then do
               nothing, and move on in your conversation.

               Navigators International suggests you start your conversation by sharing your testimony.  They call it,
               “Telling His Story by Telling Yours.”  This may be effective in some cases, but it has been this author’s
               experience that the Mormons have a testimony of how the church changed their lives, and the
               Jehovah’s Witnesses will claim that the Kingdom Hall changed their lives.  And some people are very
               happy with the way their lives are going, and really don’t care to alter their course.  So this approach
               may not be as effective as others.

               God can give you a variety of ways to open a conversation about spiritual things.  It could come from a
               holiday, such as Christmas or Easter, asking the person why the holiday is significant.  It could come from
               a death in their family, talking about life after death.  If you ask God, He will give you multiple
               opportunities to begin to share the Gospel with the lost!

               Living Waters Ministry has published a short tract which begins with the question, “Are you a good
               person?”  When asked, most people will respond with, “I hope so” or “I think so”, or “I try to be.”  From
               this one question, you can then take the person into our first important aspect of the Gospel.

               1. You have sinned against God.    In sharing the Gospel with a lost person, the first and foremost topic
               is sin, for unless the person knows he has sinned against the Creator, he has no real reason for a Savior
               from sin.  And he will certainly not repent from that sin and turn to Jesus Christ as his Savior!  So the first
               aspect of sharing the Gospel is to begin talking about personal sin.

               Sin is rebellion against God.  It is disobedience in doing things God has commanded us not to do, or in
               not doing the things He has commanded us to do.  It is doing the opposite of what God declares.  Every
               person is totally guilty of disobedience.  So our first task is to bring the person to an admission that they
               are a sinner in rebellion against God.

               Living Waters Ministry takes a good approach to this step.  In Galatians 3: 24-25, the Bible says that the
               “law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.”  (KJV)

               Romans 3:20 For by works of the law no human beingwill be justified in his sight, since through the law
               comes knowledge of sin.

               God’s moral law (Mosaic Law) was given to man to show him what was wrong and what was right, and
               to show him his own rebellion.  So a good approach is to use God’s law to show people they have sinned
               against God.  Living Waters Ministry suggests these questions:

               1.  “Have you kept the Ten Commandments of God?”  (Most people will say, “Yes”.) Then ask:
               2.  “Have you ever told a lie?”  (Most people will say, “Yes”).  Follow with, “What is a person called who
               tells lies?”  (They will say, “A liar?”)
               3.  “Have you ever stolen anything?”  (Most people will say “Yes”.)  Follow with, “What is a person calls
               who steals?”)  (They will say, “A thief”)

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