Page 52 - Personal Spiritual Life Syllabus w videos
P. 52
get into the reasons for fellowship, perhaps we should to ask ourselves the question, “What is
Our modern ideas of fellowship have wandered quite far from the meaning of the word in the New
Testament times. We think of fellowship as a church gathering for a meal or coming together to do a
Bible study. We tend to think of a fellowship time as an event on our personal or church calendar. The
early church understood the meaning of fellowship because they understood the Greek words which
were used for fellowship.
There are two words used for fellowship in the Greek language. The first is derived from the root word,
koinos, which means “common or mutual.” It refers to that which is held in common. In a broader
sense, it means to “share together or take part together.” It involves deep relationships.
A second word in Greek, metocos or metoch, also is translated “fellowship.” It literally means “partner
or associate.” It would be similar to partnering with another person in a business relationship. Based on
the meanings of both of these words, we can more clearly define fellowship breaking it down into four
basic concepts:
1. Relationship – In Christianity, the relationship between individuals is built on the common bond
relationship that each person has together with Christ. It is not a relationship based on common
interests, the physical ties of a family, or all going to the same church.
The Idea in I John 1:3 helps us better understand that fellowship is built upon the foundation of Christ.
I John 1: 3 ..that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have
fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.
Fellowship is first the sharing together in a common life with other believers through a relationship with
God through Jesus Christ. Fellowship is first and foremost a relationship, rather than an activity on your
2. Partnership - Both words in Greek (metocos and metoch) mean to share together in a sense of
partnership. If you become a partner in a business, you take on the responsibilities of that partnership.
Generally, partners carry out different functions of a business so that the one business may thrive. If
one partner is negligent, then the business will suffer greatly.
Relationship describes what we are: a community of people bound together by our common life and
blessings that we share together through our relationship with Christ. Partnership describes how we are
related to each other in that relationship: we are partners in an enterprise and calling in which we are to
work together in a common purpose to obtain common objectives for the glory of God and the gospel of
Jesus Christ (cf. Phil 1:27).
3. Companionship – Companionship is the interchange of communication that exits among
companions, those associated together through a relationship they hold in common. The key ingredient
is communication or interchange or sharing. It is an exchange of concepts, feelings, ideas, information,
sharing needs through the use of language.