Page 107 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 107

mercy, without presumption (12-14, cf. Ex. 34:6-7, Jon. 3:9).  He calls for a full assembly (none exempt)
               to plead for mercy and appeal to God’s renown.

               Promise: Restoration for Ruined (2:18-32) Promise of Plenty (18-27) After their (unmentioned, 2:12, 27)
               repentance, YHWH promises to reverse their plight, restoring agricultural prosperity, removing the
               nation’s reproach, and routing their enemy (18-27).  [As stated in Jer. 18:7-10, God’s prophecy of
               judgment/blessing is implicitly conditioned upon Judah’s covenant (dis)obedience. Subsequent defeats
               resulted from Israel’s lack of devotion to YHWH.] Promise to Pour (28-32) God promises a future
               outpouring of His Spirit on the entire covenant community, with cosmic signs of coming judgment. [This
               was partially fulfilled at Pentecost in Acts 2]

               Promise: Retribution on Rivals (3:1-21) Promise to Pay (1-16) YHWH promises to repay the surrounding
               nations for their mistreatment of Judah during its fall (Jehoshaphat, ‘YHWH judges’). As they did, so it
               will be done to them (near). “The day of the LORD is near.” Yet the cosmic language suggests (far)
               eschatological judgment.  Promise to Protect (16-21) YHWH promises to protect His people and His city
               from invaders and prosper their land, even the most arid terrain.

                                   The Book of Joel


               Prophet: Amos, a shepherd-farmer (1:1, 7:14), from Tekoa (south of

               Date: early 8th c (ca. 760’s), prior to the earthquake (Zech. 14:5)

               Theme(s): Injustice in Israel

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