Page 110 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 110
Warning Repeated (12-14, observer) YHWH rebukes Edom for their joyful boasting over the destruction
and fall of Judah. He denounces their plundering the wealth of His city and their capture of His people to
deliver over to their enemy.
Elohim Avenges (15-21) Against the Nations (15-16) the Day of Judgment for all nations is near! YHWH
will bring their own deeds upon them, making them drink the cup of His wrath resulting in their
destruction. Against Edom (15-19) Edom will receive the just due for their deeds, as God’s people
completely consume them and take possession of their land. For God’s People (17-21) YHWH will
restore His temple as holy, return His people and His land, as well as the possessions of the surrounding
nations, including Edom. For God (21) YHWH’S kingdom will be supreme!
The Book of Obadiah
JONAH, son of Amittai, from Gath-heper (southwest of Sea of Galilee)
Setting: Material prosperity yet spiritual poverty (2 Kgs. 14:23f)
Genre: History (cf. Matt. 12:38f) Author/Date: Unknown, though events
likely take place in 8th c. B.C.
Theme(s): Rebellion, Repentance, Redemption
Message: Highlighted by the contrast of Jonah’s rebellion (external and internal) with the pagan
repentance, God proclaims His sovereign mercy to offer redemption to whomever He chooses!
Jonah’s Commission (1:1-3) God calls Jonah to deliver His message against Nineveh (near Mosul, Iraq) as
their evil had distinguished them in the sight of God. [Assyria was known for its violent war tactics and