Page 109 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 109

The Book of Amos


               Prophet: Obadiah, ‘servant of YHWH’

               Date: mid to late 6th c. B.C. (after Jerusalem’s destruction, cf. Lam. 4:21, Jer. 49)

               Theme: Judgment for Edom

               Message: God will repay the arrogance and attacks of Edom, avenging their part in the fall of Jerusalem
               Edom’s arrogance (1-9)

               Price Deceives (1-4) YHWH sends a messenger among the nations announcing the coming destruction of
               Edom. Because of their pride, YHWH promises to make them weak and lowly. Though they consider
               themselves to be unconquerable, based on their geographic location, YHWH promises to bring them

               Pillagers Destroy (5-7) Though thieves are limited in their grasp and reapers always leave something
               behind, Edom’s enemies will leave nothing. Just as Jacob’s brother aided in his destruction, those
               responsible for Edom’s fall will pretend to be her friends. Sadly, Edom won’t see it coming.

               Prudent Defeated (8-9) Though Edom was known in the ancient world for its wisdom (cf. Jer. 49:7, Job),
               YHWH will defeat the wise and bring total destruction on Edom. Edom’s Attacks (10-14)

               Wrong Against Relative (10-11) Because of their attacks on God’s people, standing aloof during Judah’s
               destruction, even participating in its plundering, Edom will be held equally responsible. YHWH will cut
               them off, oppose them forever (cf. Mal. 1:4)

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