Page 114 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 114

Assyria Taunted (2:11-12) Although Assyria has been a fierce lion, living in safety and devouring her
               prey, her den (Nineveh) will be no more!

               Judgment: Destroyed (2:13) YHWH announces opposition to Nineveh, (I’m against you) and His coming
               judgment, destroying her lions and prey (military strength)

               Funeral Song (3:1-4) Taunting Nineveh, Nahum ‘mourns’ its fall with a dirge. For its bloody crimes
               against mankind, Nineveh suffers a bloody end.

               Judgment: Disgraced (3:5-7) YHWH announces opposition to Nineveh, (I’m against you) and His coming
               judgment, picturing her as a prostitute, shamed and abandoned in ruin.

               Assyria Taunted (3:8-13) Although Assyria has protection from foes, like Thebes (Egypt), Nineveh will
               fall, devoured and neutered

               Call to Alarm (3:14-17) Nahum, as watchman, calls the Assyrians to alarm.  War is here! In spite of
               defenses, the city will be defeated, devoured, left empty.

               Assyria’s King Taunted (3:18-19) YHWH taunts Assyria’s king:  His nobles are dead, people scattered, his
               wound fatal, his enemies (victims of his unceasing evil) cheer his defeat, death.

                                   The Book of Nahum


               Prophet: Habakkuk (unknown; cf. apocryphal Bel and Dragon, visits Daniel in
               lion’s den) Date: late 7th – early 6th c. B.C. (Judah’s last days, between 612-
               Nineveh and 586-Jerusalem)

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