Page 102 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 102
Final Thoughts on Giving ….
I. Stewardship Must Be Caught and Taught
How can a pastor teach stewardship in a local church?
A. Discuss stewardship Openly
Pastors should not be apologetic about stewardship. The concepts of giving is prevalent in both the Old and the
New Testaments as a part of corporate worship.
B. Be an Example
In addition to speaking without embarrassment concerning giving, the pastor should teach about giving through
personal example. If the pastor leads the way, the people are likely to follow.
C. Encourage giving of Resources
Share testimonies of God’s faithfulness as He met your needs when you were faithful in giving. Have others
share their testimonies in this regard as well.
D. Encourage support for Missions
The affluent church in North America has been made affluent so that it can provide the necessary finances to
reach people in the rest of the world. There is no such thing as a mature Christian who is merely a North-
American Christian. In the very act of becoming mature, the Christian begins to see the world as Christ sees it,
and he cannot help but become a world Christian that supports missions.
E. Encourage giving of personal Time
13.4 Let’s Practice…
1. What is the purpose of church fellowship?
2. Briefly explain the concept of the Old Testament tithe:
3. How many references to tithing are found in the New Testament?
4. Are any of these references a commandment to believers to give a tithe?