Page 106 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 106
5. Never Make a Decision When You are Discouraged.
Always remember this, “the one requirement of God upon all of us is to be faithful and true to His call and
assignment for our lives.”
• Discouragement and depression usually follow closely on the heels of some statistical decline or perceived
hostility from those we serve.
• It can come from having too high of a standard for yourself. (He is probably doing more than you ever
6. Doubt never means “Yes.”
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will
be given to him.” James 1:5
• Often we will receive a no or wait a while answer.
• “When we obey God, we will experience His blessing; when we don’t’, we will miss out on the blessing.
The more familiar we become with God’s word, the more we will begin to understand obedience. God’s laws are
not designed to deprive us of pleasure or prosperity; rather, they are intended to protect us from hurting
ourselves and others, and to guide us toward the fulfillment in life that He wants us to enjoy.” Charles Stanley
7. Don’t Let Anger be a Pattern for your Behavior.
• Treat people with courtesy, especially those that disagree with you.
• Be kind, gentle, and gracious.
• Don’t you anger with your people or staff.
8. Let Your Preaching Flow from The Bible.
• What is a Sermon?
An oral address to a general audience with a view to unfolding, elaborating and enforcing Scriptural truth.
• What is Exposition?
It is the detailed interpretation, logical amplification and practical application of a passage of Scripture.
“A preacher may have popular gifts and qualities, but he is a weaponless warrior in the thick of the battle, unless
armed with the sword of the Spirit.” Parks Cadner
• The Scriptures are Profitable.
9. Don’t Flirt with Temptation.
“But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the Word of God
deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of
2 Corinthians 4:2
• Gifts without character are a beautiful container with no contents.
• Don’t do things that will discredit you or disgrace the Lord.
• Beware of pornography.
• Watch out for emotional bonding.