Page 103 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 103
5. Abraham and Jacob tithed before the Law was given. Does that not mean believers today should practice
that same plan as Abraham and Jacob?
6. How many verses in the New Testament did we review which inform the New Testament Churches (today’s
churches) that they no longer are to obey the rules of the Law to obtain righteousness.
7. The New Testament, specifically 2 Cor. 8 – 9, teach what kind of giving?
8 – 11. List four things New Testament giving is NOT:
12. The key passage in the New Testament that outlines our giving pattern is 2 Corinthians 9. What verse tells
us how much to give when we practice NT giving?
13. Giving is based on how much God you.
14. What man who lives in the 1800 really modeled New Testament giving?
13.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: Most preachers today ask their congregations to give 10% (a tithe) to the church in
obedience to God. They have, in a sense, placed their congregation under the Mosaic Law of the
Tithe. The problem is that if that is the route they want to take their congregation, then they cannot
pick and choose what parts of the Law that the church needs to practice. If they demand the church
tithe, then they also have to demand that they hold to the sabbath (Saturday worship and refrain
from any work), circumcision, dietary laws, and a host of LAWS given by God in Exodus, Leviticus, and
Deuteronomy to the people of Israel. Do you see the conflict here? What do you believe about giving?