P. 74

In the Marketplace

                                         EARLY  BUSINESS  HISTORY

             The  business  development  of  Kernersville  may  be
        divided  into  three  time  periods.  First  there  was  the
        pre-railroad  era.  Second  was  the  period  following  the
        coming  of  the  railroad  and  extending  to  about  1920.
        The third period of  development  since  1920  is  presently
        with  us  and  will  not  receive  detailed  consideration  in
        this brief history.
             Location  and  transportation  routes  made  it  in-
        evitable  that  Kernersville  would  some  day  develop  into
        a  business  center.  The  crossroads  was  the  juncture  of
        two  important highways.  The  East-West  road  extended
        from  Wilmington  and  Fayetteville  in  the  east,  to  and

        across  the  mountains.  This  was  known  as  the  mountain
        road,  now  Mountain  Street  in  Kernersville.  The  inter-
        secting  road  went  north  to  Danville,  Philadelphia  and
        other points.  The  road  to  the  south  forked  a  short  dis-
                                                                                          Kenneth Lee  Greenfield,  President of  Greenfield  Farm  and  Garden  Store,
        tance  from  the  crossroads.  The  right  fork  went  to  the               Inc.,  seated  before  a  picture  of  his  father,  John  Mabry  Greenfield,  founder
        well  established  town  of  Salem  while  the  left  fork  led              of  the  business  (then  Cash  Feed  Store)  which  was  established  in  1919.  The
                                                                                     new  store  was  built in  1964.
        to  Salisbury,  Charlotte  and  points  south.  This  North-
        South  road  is  now  the  Main  Street  of  Kernersville,  the
        north  end  being  Danville  Street  and  the  two  forks  at
        the  south  end  being  Salem  Street  and  Salisbury  Street.
             This  location  was  logical  for  the  thriving  business
        of inn keeping and  all the  early owners  engaged in  that
        and  associated  businesses.  William  Dobson,  who  ac-                       Three   of   the
                                                                                     town's   prominent
        quired the  crossroads  property about 1771,  operated  the                  businessmen.  Left
                                                                                     to  right:  Mr.  Jule
        inn,  stage  house,  post  office  and  store.  Schober,  who                Korner,  Mr.  Jos-
                                                                                     eph  Korner  and
        bought  from  Dobson,  continued  these  business  enter-                    Mr.  Henry  Korner.

                                                                                     prises  and  when  Joseph  Kerner  bought  the  property  in
                                                                                     1817  he  developed  and  expanded  the  crossroads  as  a
          The  James  A.  Lowery  Store  with  Mr.  Lowery  stand-
        ing  in  the  doorway.  The  picture  was  made  around                      business  center.
        1896.  Mr.  Lowery  established  his  business  circa  1886.
        H e  was  the  father  of  Mrs.  Boyd  Stafford.                                  A  list  of  Joseph  Kerner' s  business  activities  include
                                                                                     the following:  farmer,  tavern  keeper,  clock  maker,  hard-
                                                                                     ware manufacturer and miller.  In addition  to  the  above
                                                                                     Joseph  established  the  first  commercial  manufacturing

                                                                                         Statesvill~  Flour  Mills  has  operated  in  Kernersville  for  21  years.  Joe
                                                                                     E.  Geddy  is  manager.  Service  includes  custom  grinding  and  mixing  and
                                                                                     distribution  of  flour  and  livestock  feeds  in  a  75-mile  radius  of  Kernersville.

                                                                Statesville  Mills  was
                                                              built  by  D.  W.  Har-
                                                              mon   in   1897  and
                                                              known  as  Harmon  &
                                                              Reid  Mill.

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