P. 71
Forsyth Feeder Service started
in 1970. Bulk feed service for
cattle, poultry and swine. C.
Glenn Idol, owner.
The Ladies House, specializing in ladies ready-to-wear, opened D ecem-
ber 3, 1948 in the Carello Building and two years later moved into its
p~esent location in the Pinnix Building. The partners are Mrs. Edna J.
Kirkegard of ewberry, S. C. and Mrs. Martha H . Whitaker of Kernersville
N. C. Employees pictured are: Rozella Caudle, Elaine Flynt, Bess Ragland
and Elaine Sizemore.
Local PT A's had as their forerunner an organization
known as The "\-V oman' s Betterment Association.
On October 29th, 1914, at the graded school build-
ing, several ladies of the town together with Professor
C. C. Sharp met for the purpose of organizing a Wom-
an's Betterment Association. The first president was
Mrs. J. G. Komer. For over 10 years meetings were held
twice a month, on Wednesday afternoon, summer and
winter. The original number of eight grew to 60 or more
The first big project of the association was always
known as THE WALL. For many months the group
struggled to raise money for building a substantial wall
Robah Lee Pegram's Esso Service has been owned and operated by
along the front of the school campus to prevent all the Robah Lee for 15 years. He is proud to have this opportunity to serve his
soil washing away. At least twenty tons of granite from community.
Mt. Airy were ordered and THE WALL was built for
a total cost of $99.37 and presented to the School Board
on November 29, 1915. It stood until 1952 - a proud
symbol of the first major accomplishment of a group of
civic minded women. This was just the beginn_ing of
the projects sponsored by these remarkable women.
There were no other civic clubs for men or women so
they carried out many of the things which our numer-
ous organizations now divide among them.
Textilease Corporation, Kernersville Division, 526 Piney Grove
Road, serving the Triad area with complete uniform rental service.
Other industrial rental products. Ray Anderson, Manager.
]. W. Corum and Son Plumbing & Heating Co., located at 516 East
Mountain Street. Started in 1921 by John W. Corum, it is the oldest
plumbing company the town of Kernersville has. Ralph (who started helping
his father when he was nine years old) and his wife, Helen, have owned
and operated the business for the past twenty years.