P. 70


              Dairy  Queen  and  Brazier,  205  S.  Main  Street  in  Kernersville
           is  proud  to  be  a  part  of  the  Kernt:rsvi!le  Bicentennial  Celebration.
           W e  feature  Char-broiled  hamburgers  and  hot  dogs,  delicious  onion
           rings  and  french  fries.  Also  we  have  dairy  treats  such  as  banana     Smith  Brothers  Construction  Company,  Inc.,  began  business  in  March,
           splits,  sundaes  and  milk  shakes.                                        1948,  doing  general  building  construction.  The  business  is  located  at  129
                                                                                       Pineview  Drive  and  is  owned  by  Tom  and  Ed  Smith.

                                                                                             Loyal Order of Moose  Kernersville  Lodge  No.  2181
                                                                                       was organized February 27,  1968 with approximately 130
                                                                                       charter members.  Roger Swisher was  the first  Governor.
                                                                                       It is  primarily a social lodge which meets twice a  month.
                                                                                       Its  main  community  project  has  been  an  annual
                                                                                       Christmas party for needy children in this area.  At pres-
                                                                                       ent there arc 249 members.  Harry G.  Ballard is Governor.
                                                                                            The  Kernersville  Woman's  Club  has  roots  that  go
                                             Atkins  Enterprises  was  established
                                           in  1969  to  provide  landscape  de-       back  to  the  Woman's  Embroidery  Club  which  was
                                           signing  and  consultant  services.  The
                                           business  is  owned  by  Harold  Atkins,    formed in 1902.  The Woman's Club as  it is  known today
                                           a  teacher  of  horticulture  at  Forsyth
                                           Technical  Institute.  Some  of  the  ser-  was  organized  in  1952  and  was  sponsored  by  the
                                           vices  available  are:  landscape  de-
                                           sign,  home  and  industrial  mainten-      Winston-Salem Woman's Club. Mrs.  Arnold Stone  served
                                           ance,  new  home  landscaping  and
                                           consultant  services.   In  the   near      as  chairman at the first organizational meetings  and Mrs.
                                           future  nursery  stock  will  be  avail-
                                           able.  We  were  proud  to  have  de-       Sumter  Bowen  was  elected  as  the  club's  first  president.
                                           signed  the  landscape  for  the  John
                                           R.  Paddison  Memorial.                          The  club  has  participated  in  various  community
                                                                                       projects - as well as  those on the district and state levels.
                                                                                       Outstanding community projects include community wel-
                                                                                       fare  aid,  volunteer service  for  March  of  Dimes  and  Red
                                                                                       Cross  Bloodmobile,  and  an  active  part  in  the  establish-
                                                                                       ment  and  growth  of  the  area  YMCA.  The  most  ambi-
                                                                                       tious  undertaking  of  the  club  in  recent  years  was  the
                                                                                       addition  of  a  large  storage  room  to  the  Community
                                                                                            A  highlight  of  each  year  is  the  May  luncheon,  a
                                                                                       social gathering to which other women in the community
              United  Utilities  Company  of  the  Carolinas,  Inc.  is  a  subsidiary  of
         United  Utilities  Co.,  the  third  largest  in  the  United  States.  It  has  served   are  invited.  The  1970  luncheon  honored  all  former
         Kernersville  since  1953.  There  are  5,500  telephones  in  service  in  the
         Kernersville  area.  Names  listed  on  page 96.                              members and past presidents of the club.  Mrs.  Raymond
                                                                                       Thomas  is  their  1971  president.

                First  public  library  in  Kernersville.  Sponsored  by  the  Woman's  Club.
            Mrs.  Fred  Morris,  Mrs.  Otis  Mayberry,  Mrs.  Arnold  Stone.  Picture  was
            made  in  1948.

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