P. 68

The Boy  Scouting program has  been in  existence  in
        this  area  for  years.  There  have  been  periods  when  the
        flame  of  enthusiasm  burned  brightly - and  times  when
        there  were  only  glowing  embers - but  the  Boy  Scouts
        of today  are  grateful for  those  faithful  leaders  who  kept
        the  spark  alive  over  the  years.
             The  earliest  records  show  Troop  No.  1  was  spon-
                                                                                           John  D.  Maultsby
        sored  by  the  Moravian  Church  with  the  charter  being                      was   the   first   Boy
                                                                                         Scout  in  Kernersville
        dated  February  16,  1925.  Three  men  serving  on  this                       to  receive  the  covet-
                                                                                         ed  Eagle  Scout  award.
        committee  were  T.  Frank  Flynt,  George  Kerner,  and                         This  occurred  in  1933
                                                                                         under  the  leadership
        W.  0. Joyner,  Jr.  Within  the  same  year,  June  30,  1925,                  of  George  V.  Fulp,
        Main  Street  Methodist  Church  became  the  sponsoring
        group  for  Troop  No.  2.  George  Fulp,  Vance  Fulp,  and
        Clay V.  Ring served on the committee.  George Fulp was
        Scoutmaster  with  Aubrey  Wilson  and  Tommy  Holder
        as  his  able assistants.  The scouts went to  Camp Lassiter
        for summer fun.  Trips to the coast and one trip  to  New
        York  City  were  events  of  particular  interest.
             The  VFW  Post  has  sponsored  Troop  No.  943  over
        the years.  Harry Fulton was their Scoutmaster for a long
        time.  Presently David Harris is  serving in that capacity.
             Main Street United Methodist Church has sponsored
        the  present Troop  No.  940  for  many  years.  There  have

        been  several  Assistant  Scoutmasters,  but  one  faithful
        dedicated  Scoutmaster - Don  Jeffries.
             The first  phase  of  scouting  is  that of  the  Cubs.  As
        recently  as  1967  the  Moravian  Church assumed  sponsor-
        ship  of  this  group.  First  Cub  Master  was  Henry  Flynt.
        He  was  followed  by  Joe  Stewart,  and  presently,  R.  B.
        Jones.  Without  the  mothers,  such  a  program  could  not
        function.  Many willing  mothers  have  spent hours  work-
        ing with these youngsters.  After advancing from  Wolves
        to Bears the boys become Webelos, an intermediate stage
        between  Cub  Scouting  and  Boy  Scouting.
             The present troops  have participated' in many bene-
        ficial  community projects.  Several boys from these troops
        have  advanced  to  the  rank  of  Eagle  Scout,  the  highest
        honor  bestowed  upon  a  scout.  The  Boy  Scout  slogan,                                       Girl  Scouts  Troop  25.  About  1942.
        "Be  Prepared"  has  become  a  reality  again  in  our  com-

                                Boy  Scouts  Pack  940                                                Boy  Scouts,  Rufus  Jones,  Troop  Leader.

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