P. 75

Elias  Kerner  Huff  standing  by  his  "house  on  wheels"  which_  he  built
       in  1912.  This  mobile  studio - forerunner  of  the  present  day  trailer - was
       his  home  away  from  home  while  he  worked  in  Winston,  employed  by  S.  J.
       Nissen  Company.  The  trailer  was  drawn  by  four  horses.

       enterprise  of  Kernersville.  This  was  a  factory  for  the                                          Kernersville's  Coffin  Shop  in  a  picture  made  be-
       manufacture of blowers, or fans,  turt1.ed  by horse  power,                                          fore  1900.  A  sign  on  the  building  read:  Lewis  &
                                                                                                             Huff,  Carriage  Makers  and  Undertakers.  Pictured
       to blow the  chaff from  threshed wheat.  This  fan  factory                                          left  to  right  are:  Lucile  Shipley,  Mr.  E .  K.  Huff
                                                                                                             and  his  daughter,  Minerva  Huff.
       was  located  on  the  northwest  comer  of  the  crossroads
       intersection.  Joseph's  widow,  Christinia,  continued  to
       operate  the  fan  factory  after  his  death.
            After the  death of Joseph in  1830,  his  property  was
       divided among his  three children, John Frederick, Philip,
       and  the  daughter,  Salome,  who  was  married  to  Apollos
       Harmon.  For  a  number  of  years  after  this  the  business
       of  the  community  was  carried  on  by  Joseph's  sons  and
       grandsons.  The  family  ownership  began  to  break  up
       about  1840  when  Salome  and  Apollos  Harmon  sold
       some  of  their  property  on  the  east  side  of  Salisbury
                                                                                        The  Kernersville  Post  Office  building  erected  by  Dr.  C.  C.  Sapp,  in
       Street.  Then  in  1848  Philip,  who  had  operated  the  inn               1905.  It  was  on  North  Main  Street  opposite  the  old  Joseph  Kerner  home-
       after  his  father's  death,  sold  that  property  to  William              stead.
       Penn  Henley.  The  Henleys  had  the  inn  till  about  1880
                                                                                    owners,  carpenters,  builders,  and  gristmill  operators.
       when  it  was  sold  to  Dr.  B.  J.  Sapp.  Dr.  Sapp  also  ran            They  owned  two  water-powered  mills,  later  owned  by
       a  drug  store  in  connection  with  the  hotel..  Afterwards
                                                                                    D.  W.  Harmon,  son  of  Julius  Harmon,  arid  his  sister,
       it was  known  as  "The  Sapp  Hotel"  and still  later  as  the             Miss Tilla Harmon.  One of these mills located  about two
       "Auto  Inn".  This  landmark  stood  on  the  northeast  cor-                miles west of Kernersville  was  known as  "The  Big  Mill".
       ner  of  the  crossroads  intersection.                                      The  other, known  as "The  Little  Mill"  was  at the  site of
            In  the  early  days  most  business  was  conducted  on                the  present Kernersville  waterworks  pond on  the  north-
       a  very  personal  basis.  A  listing  of  some  of  the  persons            west  edge  of  town.  D.  W.  Harmon  served  as  County
       and  partnerships  and  the  business  engaged  in  will  give               Commissioner  and  was  prominent  in  the  business  life
       a view of the commercial activity of those by-gone days.
                                                                                    of the county and  town.  In later years  Mr.  Harmon con-
            Julius  and  Rufus  Harmon  were  the  sons  of  Salome
                                                                                    verted  his milling  business to  steam power  and built the
       and  grandsons  of  Joseph.  They  were  millwrights,  farm
                                                                                    large  brick mill on Bodenhamer Street  which is  now the
                                                                                    Kernersville  Branch  of  the  Statesville  Mill.  This  was
                                                                                    then  known  as  Harmon  &  Reid  Mill.
           Pope  Building  Co.,  Inc.,  was  formed  in  1963 .  and  incorpo_rated  in
       1969.  Pope  Realty,  Inc.,  was  formed  in  1968  and  mcorporated  m  1970.
       L.  E.  Pope  and  Frances  W.  Pope  are  ~resident  and  S_ecretary  respectively   G.  S.  (Sol)  Coltrane,  Sr.,  President  of  Tri-City  Real  Estate  Com-
       of  both  companies.  Clark  Eugene  Smith  and  G.  Nick  Angel  are  also       pany  and  the  Philip  L.  Korner,  !r,  Insuranc":. Agency,  share  offices
       officers.  Employees  are  Lawrence  E.  Coleman,  David  Walsh  and  Linda  M.   at  136  West  Mountain  Street  with  Mrs.  Phihp  L .  Korner,  Jr.,  as
       Taylor.                                                                           secretary.

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