Page 4 - VT Vibe Newsletter December 2022 V5
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Cascadia Records

       Our Cascadia terminal at the Port of Vancouver was the scene of several news records in October, including:
       •    Unloaded tonnes (743,502 MT vs. 699,971)
       •    Railcars (7,650 cars vs. 7,415 cars)
       •    Throughput (715,601 MT vs. 709,818 MT)
       •    Weekly unload record Oct. 16 - 22 (1,895 cars)
       This is a testament to great teamwork across several parts of our business, along with support from our rail provider (CP), to ensure
       that last mile service into the facility was efficient. Great job to everyone who was a part of this milestone!

       East Territory Safety Achievement                        Railcar Loading Accomplishments

       Our East Territory recently achieved a significant safety   From Nov. 7-16 our Saskatoon facility loaded 366 rail cars
       milestone. On November 18, we reached 700 consecutive days   destined for our Cascadia, Pacific, and Prince Rupert port
       without a recordable safety incident across this part of our   terminals. On the first train to Cascadia, we had a trackmobile
       business. Tyson Will, EH&S Business Partner credits several   breakdown that required a team effort between our operations,
       contributing factors to safety success in the territory, including:  maintenance, and logistics teams in order to keep on schedule.
       •   Hazard reporting targets to encourage the identification and   The second train, going to Cascadia and Pacific, involved help
           reporting of hazards, accompanied by a twice monthly review   from our neighbouring facilities in Biggar, North Battleford, and
           of progress.                                         Kindersley to execute successfully, by assisting with lid flipping,
                                                                operating the trackmobile, and grading product.  The third train
       •   Diligent monitoring, feedback, and coaching on the hazard   went to Prince Rupert.
           reports received to ensure strong report quality and
           corrective action completion, with corrective actions focusing   Our Weyburn facility has been operating at a brisk pace so
           on preventing recurrences.                           far this year, as our team there has billed 3,027 rail cars, or
                                                                296,000MT, safely so far year to date. During our harvest push
       •   Open communication channels between all supporting   from August through to November we billed 1,961 rail cars
           members of the territory (Operations, Maintenance,   there, or 190,000MT which is an excellent accomplishment.
           Electrical, Sales, etc.)
                                                                Well done to all teams involved at both facilities!
       •   Continuing to encourage and maintain a safe avenue for the
           reporting of hazards, near misses and incidents.
       •   Constant encouragement and communication of our desire to
           work safely, not take short cuts, and keep each other safe.
       •   Celebrating the small victories and milestones, so employees
           realize that their continued efforts are appreciated.
       This achievement is a testament to your consistent focus,
       teamwork, and communication. Keeping ourselves and each other
       safe is the highest priority across our business, and by continuing
       to work together we can achieve the results expected of us.
       Congratulations to everyone in the East Territory on this excellent
       accomplishment!                                                                               Saskatoon Facility

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                                                                                Weyburn Facility; Photo Credit Justin  Johnson

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