Page 3 - Viterra Vibe_October 2023 - Oct. 23 (Final)
P. 3

Message from Kyle

       Welcome to the fall edition of the    your thoughts about our culture,
       Viterra Vibe, one of the many ways    how we work together at Viterra
       we recognize our team members         and your initial feelings toward our
       and celebrate business highlights     future combination with Bunge. The
       and achievements from across our      survey closed on October 11, and I’m
       business. In this edition you’ll find   pleased to share that we saw a high
       several stories showcasing the        percentage of responses from across
       work we’re doing on several fronts    our business. Your feedback will
       that support our focus on being an    help guide our integration planning
       industry leader and a good corporate   process, and we will continue to keep
       citizen in the areas where we operate.  you updated as we move forward.
       From an industry perspective, harvest   It will be our consistent focus
       in Western Canada is complete. Our
       internal estimates are projecting        on operational and sales
       that this year’s production came in     excellence that will ensure
       at approximately 74 million metric     that we perform as strongly
       tonnes (MMT), which is slightly below
       our five-year average of 75 MMT. We    as possible in a challenging
       are also seeing variable quality across   marketing environment.
       our asset network, which means
       as a team we’ll have to be creative   As we look ahead to year end and     raising awareness of their life-saving
       in finding marketing opportunities    beyond, we will need to stay focused   work. We’re off to a great start in this
       for our customers over the coming     on finding ways to effectively and   year’s campaign, and I encourage
       months.                               safely market and move our crops     those of you working at our country
                                             to achieve our targets. This means   locations to continue promoting
       In terms of our business combination   working together as one team        calendar and merchandise sales with
       with Bunge, we are continuing         across our network to ensure we’re   our customers.
       to work through the regulatory        coordinated across our value chain.
       process in Canada and several         It will be our consistent focus on   I want to take the opportunity to
       other geographies. We have started    operational and sales excellence     thank all of you for your dedication
       mapping out the integration planning   that will ensure that we perform as   to Viterra. It’s your resilience and
       process that will run from now until   strongly as possible in a challenging   teamwork that enables us to meet
       the close of the transaction, and     marketing environment.               the expectations of us as an industry
       are also developing commercial                                             leader, and I look forward to working
       integration plans to implement should   As you’re aware, we recently       with you to finish the year strong.
       the regulatory review process be      launched our ninth annual calendar   Thanks, and stay safe.
       successful.                           campaign with STARS to support
                                             its critical life-saving service. We’ve   Kyle
       Your feedback during this process     worked with STARS since 2015, and
       is important to us. That’s why we     through our continued partnership,
       recently distributed a survey across   we are helping patients share their
       our business to gain insight on       stories and are supporting STARS in

                                  At Viterra, people are our greatest strength.

                   Please visit our Careers page regularly for exciting new opportunities across our company.
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