Page 6 - Viterra Vibe_October 2023 - Oct. 23 (Final)
P. 6

Five questions with Jennifer Spriggs

                                            in Moose Jaw. I then moved to the     successful crop year and I work hard at
                                            Belle Plaine Pulse Plant as a Logistics   helping them achieve that.
                                            Coordinator and for the last two years   What work accomplishment are you
                                            back in Moose Jaw as a Customer       most proud of?
                                            Account Rep.
                                                                                  I am proud of the advancement of my
                                            I grew up and attended school in the   career within Viterra. I have embraced
                                            small town of Briercrest, Saskatchewan,   every opportunity to challenge myself and
                                            population 150. At times I thought the big   grow not only within the company but as
                                            city would be more appealing but looking   an individual.
                                            back I wouldn’t change a thing!
                                                                                  What do you like best about working at
                                            What are some of your responsibilities?  Viterra?
                                            My main responsibility is to procure   I work with a group of wonderful people!
                                            grain and build relationships with my   I enjoy the respectful team atmosphere
                                            customers. I assist my producers by   and working with everyone towards a
                                            providing them with current market    common goal.
       What is your role with Viterra and how   information so they have the knowledge   What do you like to do in your spare
       long have you been part of the team?  to make informed business decisions for   time?
                                            their farm.
       I have been with Viterra for 15 years                                      I love Saskatchewan summers! Anything
       starting as a Facility Sales & Admin   I truly want my customers to have a   outdoors – count me in!
       Five questions with Kevin Reid

       What is your role with Viterra and how   requirements and timelines. I really like   my spare time. I enjoy taking walks,
       long have you been part of the team?  my job and my coworkers. I work with   visiting, travelling and attending vintage
       I have recently been promoted to     a great team and have formed many     car shows. A fun fact about me is I have
       Assistant Manager of Viterra’s Brandon   friendships over the years. I also enjoy   two vintage vehicles of my own. I have a
       facility. I started working at a wooden   seeing the farmers and the regular truck   1971 Honda CL 350 motorcycle that was
       grain elevator in Gainsborough,      drivers.                              given to me by my uncle who bought the
       Saskatchewan when I was 22 years old   What do you like to do in your spare   bike brand new that year. I also restored
       and celebrated 30 years with Viterra in   time?                            my grandfather’s 1969 GMC half ton. I
       September 2022. I’ve worked at grain   I like spending time with my family during   enjoy driving it and showing it at local car
       elevators in Wauchope and Redvers and                                      shows.
       then the Fairlight grain terminal before
       moving to the Brandon facility in 2000.
       What are some of your responsibilities?
       I am part of a team responsible for grain
       handling from receiving grain from local
       farmers, to the grading and storage of the
       grain and the shipment of that grain to
       processing facilities.
       What work accomplishment are you
       most proud of?
       I am most proud of looking after the grain
       cleaner and achieving level 3 grader
       What do you like best about working at
       I like receiving grain, overcoming
       challenges and meeting shipment
          Congratulations to our HR team including Jordan Jakubowski, Josh Fink, Samantha Mitschke-Hanna, Devon Johnson, Sydney
          Tluchak and Kelsey Gagné for being nominated for HR Team of the Year for CPHR Saskatchewan’s HR Professional Awards!

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