Page 8 - Viterra Vibe_October 2023 - Oct. 23 (Final)
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Community investment corner

       Viterra is partnering with STARS Air   Our internal STARS contest is open until   Thanks to everyone for their support of
       Ambulance for the 9th year as the print   November 3, and prizes will be awarded in   STARS and our campaign!
       sponsor for the STARS Calendar. We’ve   the following categories:
       raised over $400,000 for STARS since the
       partnership began in 2015.             •   Top selling facility for all online
                                                 purchases and donations
       The 2024 calendar campaign began       •   Top selling facility for all purchases
       Monday, September 11 and will run to      and donations
       Friday, December 1. All grain elevator   •   Top selling MC overall for all online
       locations as well as the Regina office are   purchases and donations
       selling calendars and merchandise and   •   Top selling MC overall for all
       collecting donations for the campaign.    purchases and donations
       Calendars are only $30 and every     Support material for the campaign can be
       purchase gets an entry into STARS’   found on OurPlace and the W drive at
       calendar contest for a chance to win great  W:/Grain Sales Reports/Grain – Read
       prizes! Learn more at  Only/STARS

                                                                                  VITERRA KIDS CAMP
       Regina office staff gathered for a BBQ
       on July 27 to raise funds for the Regina                                   Further to the article we shared in the
       Food Bank and help support its vision                                      June edition of the Vibe, the Viterra’s Kids
       of addressing hunger and sustaining                                        Camps in partnership with the Western
       independence for people in Regina and                                      Canadian Baseball League (WCBL) took
       southern Saskatchewan.                                                     place in July. Over 620 kids participated
                                                                                  in the 11 camps across Alberta and
       As part of the BBQ fundraising activities,                                 Saskatchewan.
       we hosted a mini-donut eating contest.
       11 competitors participated in the contest                                 You can watch highlights from the camps
       to crown Viterra’s representative who                                      here.
       would then participate in the Queen City
       Ex (QCX) mini-donut eating contest,
       all in support of the Regina Food Bank.
       Jordan Tholl was Viterra’s winner, going
       on to compete against Joey Chestnut
       and coming in 3rd place overall. Click
       here to view the highlights from the QCX
       Over the course of the week, Viterra
       staff raised $1,600 which was matched
       corporately for a donation of over $3,000   Top: Regina staff BBQ;
       for the Food Bank. Thanks to everyone   Bottom: Viterra mini-donut eating contest
       who volunteered and contributed for this   winner Jordan Tholl (left) with Joey
       great cause!                         Chestnut at the QCX contest

               Has one of your fellow colleagues                           We want to hear from you!
            accomplished something significant at                   We want to make this a quality newsletter that is
            your workplace or in your community?                   engaging and informative. If you have comments to
                                                                   share on this issue or if you have a story idea for an
          Contact to share      upcoming edition, please reach out to us anytime at
           your story and we’ll include it in an upcoming edition.

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