Page 4 - Viterra Vibe_October 2023 - Oct. 23 (Final)
P. 4

Moose Jaw upgrade update

       As part of our commitment to providing superior customer
       service, we are also focused on operational excellence and
       continue to make targeted investments in our asset network.

       This summer, we made significant upgrades to our Moose
       Jaw, SK facility, including a 12,500-foot double loop track
       that can accommodate up to 148 CP high-capacity cars and
       3 locomotives for continuous loading. We also installed an
       upgraded shipping system to make loading more efficient
       and reduce loading times. Other improvements included the
       construction of a new access road and upgrades to existing rail
       on the east and west leads. The upgrades will allow Viterra to
       ship 40% more grain from the facility.

       The facility loaded its first train since the upgrades on
       September 23, 144 cars with durum destined for Thunder Bay.

       The next phase of the upgrade will see a new office for the
       Moose Jaw facility which will be completed in early 2024.  First train being loaded since the upgrade on September 23.

       Viterra land converted to solar farms

       Two sites in southeast Calgary that   9,500 homes and offset 37,000 tonnes of   of 27 MW. The project produces enough
       formerly housed a Viterra fertilizer   carbon.                             power annually to power over 7,000
       operation have been converted into farms                                   homes and offset 27,000 tonnes of
       – ones that are focused on solar energy   Barlow Solar                     carbon.
       production.                          The Barlow solar project covers 61    Both projects are among the largest
       The sites are being leased from Viterra   hectares of land and consists of 70,000   urban solar projects in Western Canada.
       by ATCO – an engineering, logistics and   solar panels with a generating capacity
       energy company based in Calgary. They
       have been developed to accommodate
       solar arrays that rest on concrete pads
       to avoid disturbing the phosphogypsum
       stacks that were needed for the fertilizer
       facility. Utilizing the land in this way
       ensures that it can used to generate
       renewable energy and contribute to
       Alberta’s overall transition to sustainable
       energy. Here is an overview of the two
       Deerfoot Solar

       The Deerfoot solar project covers 99
       hectares of land and consists of 100,000
       solar panels with a generating capacity of
       37 MW (megawatts). The project produces
       enough power annually to power over   Photo of Barlow Solar courtesy of ATCO

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