Page 3 - VT Vibe Newsletter March 2019
P. 3
From Kyle
Welcome to the spring edition of our The same applies to us within our
employee magazine. This is our first business. We all need to be aligned
issue of the year, and as you’ll see in the and on the same page in order to
following pages, we’ve already achieved be successful today and in the years
some important accomplishments within ahead. Whether we work in an office,
our business. I encourage you to take a an elevator or a processing facility, we
few moments to read about these and are all responsible for doing our part to
other news from across our company. support our value chain and successfully
execute on our mission to connect more these challenges and achieve the
customers to more places.
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity results expected of us. We need
to present at the Canadian Crops remind ourselves that we need to stay
Convention in Montreal. This was As seeding approaches, it’s disciplined and control what we can
a forum for industry stakeholders, especially important to remind control. If we keep a steady focus
including government officials, farmers, on proper planning and consistent
private sector businesses, research ourselves and our customers execution, we will be successful
institutions and others to come together that no matter how busy we regardless of global market conditions.
and exchange thoughts on how we are, safety should always be
can work together to secure our future On another note, a few weeks ago
success as an industry. While many top of mind. our industry recognized Canadian Ag
interesting ideas were discussed, the Safety Week. While safety should be a
overall theme was consistent – we all This can be difficult when we are faced priority year round, this a great time to
need to be aligned and working towards with external events that negatively put a spotlight on ag safety and remind
a common goal if we are to continue impact our ability to access key export ourselves that whether at the elevator
growing our industry and meeting our markets, like China’s recent ban on or on the farm we need to keep working
current and future challenges. canola shipments from Canada. Today’s hard to build safe and strong farms and
operating environment is extremely communities. As seeding approaches,
dynamic and complex, and as we’ve it’s especially important to remind
As an industry leader, I firmly seen just in the last few weeks, issues ourselves and our customers that no
believe we are well positioned can arise very quickly and take time to matter how busy we are, safety should
to navigate these challenges resolve. always be top of mind.
and achieve the results
expected of us. As an industry leader, I firmly believe Have a great spring,
we are well positioned to navigate Kyle
At Viterra, people are our greatest strength.
Please visit our Careers page regularly for exciting new opportunities across our company.