Page 5 - VT Vibe Newsletter March 2019
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Keep it Clean! Help Keep Crops Ready for Market
Our growers work hard to produce crops Tip #2 – Always Read and
to the highest standard to meet the Follow the Label
expectations of customers around the Always follow the label for
world. The Canola Council of Canada, rate, timing and pre-harvest
Cereals Canada and Pulses Canada interval. Applying pesticides or
are reminding growers to protect that desiccants without following
reputation and quality by following these label directions may result in
simple tips during the growing season to unacceptable residues.
ensure their crops are ready for domestic
and international markets. Please keep
this information in mind when having Tip #3 – Grow Disease-
conversations with our customers. Resistant Varieties and Use
Practices that Reduce Infection Tip #5 – Deliver What You Declare
Visit for more Crop diseases like blackleg in canola When you sign the mandatory
information on keeping our crops ready and fusarium head blight in cereals can Declaration of Eligibility affidavit at the
for market. cause yield and quality losses, impact elevator, you are making a legal assertion
profitability and may create a market risk. that your crop is the variety and/or class
TIP #1 – Use Acceptable Pesticides Only you have designated. We all benefit
Only apply pesticides that are both Tip #4 – Store Your Crop Properly when markets for Canadian crops remain
registered for use on crops in Canada Proper storage helps to maintain crop open and stable – let’s all do our part
and won’t create trade concerns. quality and keeps the bulk free of harmful to maintain our reputation as a quality
cross contaminants. supplier.
Northgate Acquisition Complete HAS ONE OF YOUR FELLOW
In February, we officially closed our
purchase agreement to acquire General YOUR WORKPLACE OR IN YOUR
Mills’ 50% stake in the grain facility at COMMUNITY?
Northgate, ND.
Contact viterra.communications@
We’re excited to assume full ownership
of this facility, as we continue to focus on to share your story
expanding strategically and optimizing and we’ll include it in an upcoming
our asset network. edition.
We’d like to take this opportunity to
welcome Northgate employees to the
Viterra team! From the Front Lines
“Congratulations to Viterra on the grand opening
Success at Saskatoon of their state-of-the-art Vegreville facility. We value
deeply our strong relationship with Viterra and
Our Saskatoon location had a great January, loading 767 cars for the remain committed to maximizing efficiency in the
month. For a little perspective, here’s how that compares to the last grain supply chain.”
few years:
Doug MacDonald
• 2018 – 531 • 2015 – 708 Senior Vice-President, Rail Centric Supply Chain
• 2017 – 513 • 2014 – 420 CN
• 2016 – 100
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