Page 4 - VT Vibe Newsletter March 2019
P. 4

Viterra Hosts Grand Opening of Vegreville Grain Terminal

       On March 14, we hosted a grand opening  “We’re pleased to be expanding our   The event was followed by a grower
       event at our new high throughput grain   presence in this area of the province   meeting in the afternoon where
       facility at Vegreville.  We had an excellent  through this state-of-the-art addition to   customers heard about current marketing
       turnout with over 100 people attending,   our asset network,” said Dean McQueen,   trends and insights from a few of our
       including customers, employees and   in his remarks to the audience.  “As an   merchants, and had an opportunity to ask
       government officials coming together to   industry leader, we’ve invested millions   their questions.
       celebrate our major investment in east   of dollars in Alberta over the last few
       central Alberta.  The facility has a storage   years to support our focus on operational
       capacity of 34,000 metric tonnes, and   excellence and provide our farm
       is capable of loading up to 126 railcars   customers with exceptional service.”
       through a loop track.

           Team members from CN and Viterra pose in from of CN’s            The Vegreville elevator in action as it loads CN’s railcars
                      new high-capacity rail cars.                                 on the loop track.

        Dean McQueen addresses the audience during the formal program.  Mike Rogers presents to farmers at the grower meeting.

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