Page 6 - VT Vibe Newsletter March 2019
P. 6

Terry Dukes Shaves His ‘Stache for STARS

                                                                                                Before, during and after.
                                                                                                Terry Dukes shaves his
                                                                                                moustache to support

                                                                                                funds for a grand total
                                                                                                of $4,322!

                                                                                                Thank you to Terry
                                                                                                for agreeing to drop
        Terry Dukes, Regional Maintenance    His fundraising target was $1000, and   the “duster”, and to Remi Gaudet for
        Manager (Central Region), sacrificed his   thanks to the generous contributions   coordinating this great fundraiser.  Below
        decades old moustache at our regional   of our staff he easily beat it with $2,161   are some photos that were taken to
        meetings in February to support a great   in contributions.  Viterra matched these   commemorate the event.

       Five Questions With                   The second is to coordinate our in-house  way from the day I started with Viterra.  I
                                             grain grade training program.  In most   love getting to be a part of the agriculture
                                             years, we provide training to over 100   industry.  To me it is what western Canada
                                             staff at 4 different training locations.    is all about.  Growing up in a small town,
       JEFF DANIELSON                        All of the scheduling and preparing   I was always around agriculture, I spent
                                             of training material is done through   lots of time on my buddy’s farm, but I
                                             the quality control lab.  I am also the   never really thought that I could or would
                            What is your role   unofficial motivator at the Viterra fitness   be part of the agricultural industry in such
                            with Viterra and   center.                           an integral way.  I get to do a hands-on
                            how long have                                        job where I work with some of Canada’s
                            you been part of   What work accomplishment are      greatest products and I get to do it for a
                            the team?        you most proud of?                  company that I am really proud of.
                            My role is       I get really excited about most of my jobs
        Manager, Grain Inspection.  I started with   and responsibilities at Viterra.  If I have to   What do you like to do in your spare
        Viterra in August of 2007 in a temporary   pick one thing that I am most proud of,   time?
        position in the Quality Control lab, during   it has been my transition from being a
        the harvest rush.                    grader on the bench, to actually helping   Most of my spare time these days is
                                                                                 spent with my wife Tara and kids, Ryan
                                             new graders learn how to grade, through   is 11 and Claire is 8.  We spend most our
        What are some of your responsibilities?  the Viterra grade training program.  I really   summer at Last Mountain Lake which
        Besides providing grading support for   enjoy helping fellow Viterra staff get better   is just north of Regina, where we have
        our country facilities on a daily basis, I   at their jobs.  One of my favorite things   a cabin that I built 5 years ago.   We
        have a couple of things I am responsible   is travelling out to facilities and helping   recently took up the sport of archery and
        for.  The first is to oversee the quality   them work through grading issues that   have really gotten involved with that
        assessment and selection of Viterra’s   they might be having at the time.  community, I am on the executive of our
        malting barley program.  Viterra’s quality                               local club.  I like to fish and in the past
        control lab receives over 10,000 malt   What do you like best about working   few years, I have gotten back into hunting
        barley samples annually.             at Viterra?                         at the urging of my son who has taken a
                                             This one is easy for me, I have felt this   real interest in it.

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