Page 10 - Viterra Vibe_March 2024 (Final)
P. 10

Community investment corner


       Viterra is the title sponsor for the Viterra   provincial curling championship in
       Scotties Tournament of Hearts, the   Manitoba, which took place in Stonewall,
       women’s provincial curling championship   MB, February 6-11. Team Carruthers won
       in Saskatchewan, which took place    and went on to represent Manitoba at the
       in Tisdale, SK, January 17-21. Team   Brier in Regina, SK on March 1-10, 2024.
       Ackerman won and went on to represent   Thank you to those employees that
       Saskatchewan at the national Scotties   volunteered at each event. We are proud
       Tournament of Hearts in Calgary, AB on   to support high level curling in the
       February 16-25, 2024.                communities where we live and work.
       Viterra is also the title sponsor for
       the Viterra Championship, the men’s

       Viterra has been a sponsor of the Adam Herold Legacy
       Foundation since 2021, supporting their work to provide
       opportunities for Saskatchewan youth to develop and refine
       both their hockey and leadership skills. In October and
       November, the Foundation hosted 400 participants at camps in
       Moosomin, Midale/Lampman and Bruno. They returned to each
       community in January and February to complete the final day
       for each camp.
       You can learn more about the foundation here.           Participants at the day camp in Bruno.

       RADIOTHON HELPS SAVE BABIES’ LIVES                                         U SPORT WOMEN’S HOCKEY
       Viterra’s Regina office hosted a number
       of fundraisers throughout February and                                     Viterra was proud to sponsor the 2024
       March including a silent auction, raffles,                                 USPORTS Women’s Hockey Championship
       50/50s and jeans days in support of the                                    which took place in Saskatoon, SK, March
       Z99 Radiothon. The annual Radiothon,                                       14-17. Congratulations to the Concordia
       which will take place on March 21, raises                                  Stingers who took home gold, making
       funds for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit                                 them the Canadian university women’s
       (NICU) in the Rawlco Centre for Mother                                     national champion.
       Baby Care at the Regina General Hospital.                                  Thanks to everyone who volunteered at
       Through their efforts Viterra staff raised                                 the Viterra FanFest, with the mini-sticks
       $7,000 which was matched corporately                                       tournament and throughout the weekend
       for a total donation of $14,000.                                           to connect with students and hockey fans
                                                                                  who stopped by!
       We celebrated Canada’s Ag Day across our
       asset network on February 13. Canada’s
       Ag Day is an initiative led by Agriculture
       More Than Ever and is an opportunity to
       celebrate producers and their essential
       contributions to our nation’s prosperity
       and well-being.
       Thanks to everyone who organized grower
       meetings and other initiatives as part of
       the celebration.

                                                                                  Mini-sticks tournament at the Viterra booth
                                                                                  during itermissions on Saturday.
                                            Ray Baloun at the Canada’s Ag Day
                                            celebration in Erickson, MB.

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