Page 11 - Viterra Vibe_March 2024 (Final)
P. 11


       March is Canadian Agriculture Literacy   Andrew Klassen and Derek Wentz at the   FOLLOW US!
       Month, giving classrooms across the   ThinkAg career presentation at Ag Expo
       country the opportunity to address                                                   We regularly
       the disconnect between farmers and                                              feature community
       consumers. Throughout the month, Ag
       in the Classroom and Ag for Life helps                                        investments, corporate
       students learn about, connect to and                                             achievements and
       celebrate agriculture by learning about                                      other accomplishments
       farming and where their food comes from.
                                                                                     on our social channels.
       Viterra also participates in various
       ThinkAg career events to further support                                     Follow us on X (Twitter),
       Ag Literacy across the prairies:                                               Facebook, Instagram
       •   Customer Account Reps Darcy                                                and LinkedIn and stay
           McKean and Brock Findlay                                                         connected.
           participated in the ThinkAg Career
           Fair in Portage la Prairie, MB on November 22.
       •   Regional Marketing Manager Andy Klassen and Facility Operations Manager Derek
           Wentz presented to 130 students on February 29 at the ThinkAg career event, held
           during the Lethbridge Ag Expo.
       •   Regional Marketing Manager Brandon Sander will present to students in Wakaw, SK
           on March 27.
       The Canadian Ag Safety Association (CASA) held
       Canadian Agricultural Safety Week March 10-16. We are
       proud to be a Friend of CASA and the work they do with
       their BeGrainSafe safety trailer program that travels
       throughout Western Canada to promote safety.
       Safety is top of mind for everything we do at Viterra,
       and Ag Safety week is an excellent reminder to prioritize
       safety and well-being every day. Learn more here.

         At a glance...                       •  Viterra is a proud supporter of junior   high school football player from each
                                                hockey in the prairies and were excited   of the 5A Stewart and 6A Schwann
          •  Viterra’s sponsorship of 4-H Alberta   to be the gameday sponsor for the   Conferences who exemplify
            funds the Cleaver Kids program      SJHL game on February 6 in Melville.   sportsmanship and leadership.
            which is in full swing and provides   Viterra staff attended the game with   Congratulations to this year’s
            an early introduction to 4-H through   producers and were on hand to give   recipients Rashawn Taniskishayinew
            fun, hands-on learning for kids aged   the first hundred kids in attendance a   (5A) and Tyleon Ocaya (6A).
            6 to 8. Through the program, one of   Viterra branded puck.            •  Viterra’s Lethbridge facility
            the local Clubs made homemade bird   •  Viterra sponsored the U19B ringette   collected 451 pounds of food for the
            feeders and learned how to take care   gold medal game at the B Provincials   Lethbridge Food Bank in December.
            of ducks. Click here to learn more   in February.
            about 4-H Alberta’s Cleaver Kids   •  Viterra sponsors the RIFL Leadership
            program.                            Award which is presented annually to a

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