Page 9 - Viterra Vibe_March 2024 (Final)
P. 9

International Women’s Day

       International Women’s Day (IWD) is   Here we highlight a few of our colleagues who represent various areas of our organization:
       celebrated annually on March 8 to                         Have you had mentors or role models who have played a
       support the women’s rights movement,                      significant role in your career development?
       or gender equality. The first official                    I wouldn’t be where I am without some great mentors. One
       event took place in 1911 and has gained                   of my biggest career hurdles was the limitations I put on
       momentum around the world, becoming                       myself. My growth as a person and a manager has come from
       an officially recognized event by the                     mentors who have pushed me out of my comfort zone and
       United Nations (UN) in 1977.                              supported me while doing it.
       The UN has been working with                              How important do you think mentorship is for women in
       developed and developing countries       Michelle Boyd    advancing their careers?
       towards a number of key goals, and      Director, Quality   There are many talented women doing exceptional things at
       in 2015 created a list of sustainable   Affairs & Food Safety   Viterra who may inspire others to step out of their comfort
       development goals (SDGs) as a            Saskatoon, SK    zone and take on a role they feel they aren’t ready for. Having
       blueprint for peace and prosperity for                    the support of other women could be very impactful.
       people and the planet. Gender equality
       was first introduced in 1992 as part of   What strategies can women use to increase their visibility
       this development and has since become   within their organizations and industries?
       one of the recognized SDGs.           Women should focus on themselves and their duties within
       As a global company we support the    their positions. You’re in charge of your own successes; ask
       UN’s 17 SDGs and have them mapped     questions, shadow and take every opportunity to grow and
       against our sustainability pillars. As part   learn.
       of our community and human rights     How can organizations encourage and support women?
       pillar, we support gender equality and   Organizations need to be supportive, inviting and encourage
       actively promote gender balance. We   an inclusive work environment. Everyone has the potential   Amanda Brinkman
       achieve this through encouraging and   to bring something of value to the organization if they are   Facility Operations
       valuing diversity and inclusion in our   given the right tools and are supported by the team in that   Manager
       workforce via our diversity policy and   organization.                                        Lloydminster, SK
       code of conduct. We have also created
       a Diversity Committee to build on                         How has networking played a role in your career, and do you
       the progress we’ve made to promote                        have any tips for women looking to expand their networks?
       diversity and inclusion at Viterra both                   Networking has allowed me to exchange ideas with people
       regionally and globally.                                  from various places and with different perspectives, in
       Viterra’s commitment to diversity and                     positive and negative contexts, helping me to express myself
       inclusion aligns with this year’s IWD                     when it’s time to give my opinion about different topics.
       theme of “Inspiring Inclusion”. We bring                  Networking has been for me the door to new opportunities.
       together many minds, various talents,                     Some networking tips: establish conversations with a variety
       and diverse perspectives, and are a     Ariannis Morales  of people, be your authentic self and participate in activities
       better company for it. It’s important that   Terminal Manager  organized at work.
       we recognize International Women’s        Montreal, QC    Why do you think diversity and inclusion are important?
       Day as we strive towards meeting and                      By nature women and men are different but having different
       exceeding these SDGs.                                     points of view makes stronger and more mindful teams.
       We are proud to celebrate International
       Women’s Day and the many women who    In your experience, how can colleagues and leaders be
       work at Viterra. Diversity is important   effective allies in promoting diversity and inclusion?
       to our way of working and we recognize   I am so proud of the many trailblazing women within Viterra
       that a diverse and skilled workforce   that are breaking down barriers and paving the way for other
       contributes to the success and        women in the industry. However, women cannot be alone in
       sustainability of our business.       their efforts. We need allies to help create space for us. Acting
                                             as an ally doesn’t require grand gestures, it can be as little as
                                             refusing to laugh at an off-handed joke and working to create
                                             an environment where that behaviour isn’t tolerated.   Taylor Patterson
                                             How can women increase their visibility in organization?  Regina, SK
                                             Push yourself outside your comfort zone. Ask questions and
                                             put yourself out there. Speak up and make your voice heard;
                                             your opinions and ideas are just as valuable as everyone else’s.

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