Page 7 - Viterra Vibe_March 2024 (Final)
P. 7

John Legault retires after 37 years with Viterra

       John Legault, Manager, Vancouver      locations of certain cars and when they
       Logistics, recently retired after 37 years   would arrive in port. Today almost all
       of service at Viterra. Before he left, we   the information you require for planning
       reached out to John to get his reflections   rail car arrivals to the port is received in
       on his career with the company.       real time. On the vessel side I can still
       Why did you decide to join Viterra?   remember looking at the daily newspaper
                                             which listed the vessels in port and those
       I had moved to Vancouver and I was    vessels due to arrive in port.
       looking for a job, not realizing it would
       turn into a career.                   What are some of the best memories
                                             you’ve had working at Viterra?
       What are some of the biggest changes
       you’ve experienced in the industry since   Bottom line – the people! I’ve never had
       you started?                          a formal mentor but I feel like I’ve been
                                             supported by a few individuals who I
       When I started more grain companies   have leaned on to help support, ground
       existed with a greater number of country   and inspire me. I know they are always
       elevators thoughout the prairies.     there for me because I know they care. I   or taking on new roles. You spend about
       Processes were also very manual for most  owe these people my heartfelt thanks for   a third of your life working five days a
       functions.                            making my career the success I feel it has  week and if you do not enjoy it or are not
       What about specifically as it relates to   been.                           excited about the role you are in, then
       transportation/logistics?             What words of wisdom would you like to   look at other opportunities. Viterra is a
                                                                                  big company, and about to get bigger, so
       I will likely age myself here but I can   share with team members just starting   there is bound to be many opportunities
       remember using a Telex machine to send   at Viterra?                       out there.
       messages to CN & CP to find out the   Never shy away from learning new tasks

       Career fair round up

       Viterra’s HR team, along with staff from a   •   Sask Polytech Moose Jaw Career Fair   College Polytech Indigenous Career
       variety of roles across the organization,   in Moose Jaw, SK on March 13      Fair on March 21, Prospect Job Fair
       have been busy taking part in career   •   Sask Polytech Regina Career Fair in   in Chestermere on April 24, Red Deer
       fairs in the communities across our asset   Regina, SK on March 14            Polytechnic Education & Career Expo
       network including:                    •   Sask Polytech Saskatoon Career Fair   on April 25, and Regina Open Door
       •   U of R Spring Career Fair in Regina, SK   in Saskatoon, SK on March 19    Society Career Link Job Fair on May 22
           on February 5                     •   Sask Polytech Prince Albert Career   These fairs are a great way to connect with
       •   Olds College Career Fair in Olds, AB on   Fair in Prince Albert, SK on March 21  students and local community members to
           February 6                        •   Red River College Polytech       talk about career opportunities at Viterra
       •   Lethbridge College Career Fair in    Indigenous Career Fair in Winnipeg,   and create better brand awareness in
           Lethbridge, AB on February 8         MB on March 21                    those areas.
       •   Salon de l’Emploi Trois-Rivières in   •   Upcoming: Sask Polytech Prince   Thanks to everyone who networked with
           Trois-Rivières, QC on February 28    Albert Career on March 21, Red River   students at these events.

       Simon Hogg, Calla Reis and Madison Engen at the Sask Polytech   Cody Sweere and Megan Alvarado at the career fair at Olds College
       career fair in Moose Jaw, SK                            in Olds, AB

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