Page 9 - Nutshell 3
P. 9
Small 3-D printers did the trick:
They did it right and did it quick.
In an hour the robot could spew
Plenty of pasta for a stew.
It was splendid how well they fit:
The precision nozzle would spit
Fresh goo into structures of dough
Building and darting to and fro;
A freedom of content and form:
Soft and pliable when it’s warm,
Then hard and brittle when it cools,
Obeying nature’s simple rules.
Mass-produced food, Walt concluded,
Had to be stamped or extruded
Or injection-molded or sliced:
All required to keep it low-priced.
The raw material (like clay)
Could be shaped in any old way—
If it weren’t too thin perhaps
Or too heavy not to collapse.