Page 328 - The Legacy of Abraham Rothstein - text
P. 328

Genre: shtetl

        108  Bust of an old man *
            11.25” x 7”

              After AR carved the head of this character, a lot wood was left
              below  the  neck;  as  a  result,  the  rudimentary  upper  torso
              terminates at the base in the original rectangular block. The old
              Jew sports a full slightly-forked beard, a dour expression, and
              an “Oriental” yarmulke with a button on top. One of the two
              extant photographs of AR’s father shows him wearing a fez-
              like  yarmulke  (see  no.  142)  and  a  full  forked  beard.  That
              photograph, enlarged and tinted, hung on the wall of the hall
              of AR’s house for many years; it could not have failed to fix its
              image upon his mind.

        142  Torso of a man
            14.75” x 6.5”
            Inscription: Abraham (Hebrew, behind left ear)

              This  figure,  with  its  huge  head,  odd  hat,  and  intense
              expression, resembles African or Oceanic sculpture more than
              any other AR piece. Nevertheless, the fez-like cap is radially-
              incised like a yarmulke, the face bears the typical wrinkles and
              square beard of a shtetl elder, and the lightly-incised garment is
              a European suit jacket with lapels. AR described his father with
              such a beard, and the cap is similar the one in the photograph:
              this  may  be  a  portrait  of  David  Israel  Rothstein.  On  the
              bottom  is  written  in  ink:  “Abe  Rothstein  1963”.  If  that  is
              indeed the date of creation, this must be one of the last pieces
              AR made. That conclusion accords with the piece being given
              to Ben Rothstein’s son David, who saw AR often in his final
              years on Orange Street.

        3    Scholar on the toilet
              8” x 3”

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