Page 32 - An Evening with Maxwell's Daemons
P. 32

The Planetary Steward

          reform humanity to the point of letting it go free, in this scenario,
          how many generations of authoritarian rule would that take?”
            “If you were listening,” said Perversity, “you would have heard
          me saying that this would be set a few generations after the P.S. had
          taken  over.  My  implication  is  that  the  majority  of  the  earth’s
          remaining Homo sapiens had gotten that education in  childhood,
          and  was  acculturating  to  the  new  reality.  The  natural  variation
          occurring  in  organic  reproduction  will  inevitably  produce  people
          inclined to reject constraints or be incapable of understanding the
          crisis and its response. And they might find each other. Then the
          question  becomes  this:  how  can  they  even  begin  to  form  an
          opposition group if the P.S. would shut it down immediately? That
          raises  Brad’s  point  about  omniscience.  I  would  have  to  explain
            “Okay, I see the problem,” said Izzy Azimuth. “And maybe the
          path to a plot, if not a further complication. It’s like theodicy, the
          contradiction  about  the  existence  of  evil  at  the  heart  of
          monotheistic religions: how can you assign what looks like a flaw to
          a  flawless  entity?  Two  possibilities:  a  bug  in  the  system  or  some
          feature  that  people  don’t  understand.  The  theological  equivalents
          would be either a deity unable to prevent pain and suffering in its
          created cosmos or one granting humans limited power to screw up,
          as  a  test  of  their  virtue.  Either  way,  people  have  found  ways  to
          justify all sorts of mischief and mayhem, leading some to deny the
          existence  of  a  beneficent  deity.  Similarly,  when  your  characters
          become aware of an apparent crack in the perfect surveillance and
          management of the Planetary Steward, they might come to either of
          those conclusions. Maybe the boy  acknowledges that it is at least
          potentially a problem, and feels either frightened or determined to
          urge people to act in accordance with the rules that had saved them
          up to that point. And the girl instead says it is a sign that the system
          either  is  failing  or  is  slowly  loosening  its  grip  on  humanity  by
          design, and that now is the time to reassert the dominance of man
          over machine.”
            “That is a lot of intellectual freight for my Jack and Jill to carry
          up the hill,” replied Perversity. “I can see making those ideas some

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