Page 173 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 173

Investigating the Mystery of the Talking Plant
         “Because it was set where it should have been when I came in here
       after  Bulakko  was  found  dead  by  Miss  Woswoot.  I  therefore
       assumed…” his voice trailed off lamely.
         “Exactly,” said Captain Kaga.  “Now let us walk out of here. The
       door  closes  automatically  when  it  senses  that  someone  has  left  the
       room. Excellent. Now it is clear to me that a murder was committed;
       by whom, and for what reason, I do not yet know, but we have just
       been looking at the weapon.”

       5:  A Plan of Action

         Lugo and Kaga were silent as they made their way back through the
       main hall to the PKU wing. Visitors had begun to trickle in through
       the public entrance, which Farnitt had opened while  the old friends
       were in the alien quarters.  Once inside the PKU area, Kaga motioned
       Lugo to follow him into the communications room. It was deserted,
       and Kaga carefully closed the door behind them.
         “First of all, Lugo, can you project a floor plan of this place on the
       largest screen you have? Thanks.  Now, we know a couple of things
       also  known  only  by  the  murderer,  so  let’s  not  spread  any  of  this
       around, okay?  The main obstacle to solving  this  mystery is that the
       physical evidence doesn’t point to anyone in particular.  So, what we’ve
       got to do is sniff around for a motive and hope to catch someone out
       in a li e concerning their whereabouts last night.”
         Lugo got the image up on a large wall-screen and sat down heavily.
       “I guess that’s the best— if not the only—course open to us. But what
       makes you so certain it was murder, not an accident?”
         “I’d rather keep that to myself for the moment,” said Captain Kaga.
       “It’s a bit speculative, and I need more data before the whole thing
       can make sense.  We must interview everyone who was here  after  2200
       last night. Are they all present in the Center right now?”
         Lugo considered for a moment, and then said, “Yes, all except Miss
       Woswoot. She’s probably at home asleep. I can put in a call to have
       her report to us as soon as she wakes up.”
         “Good,” said Kaga.  “I’ll look at this floor plan while you do that.”
       He studied the diagram carefully; it was the same one he had viewed
       casually en route to Pontenga. This time he paid closer attention to the
       location  of  doors  and  hallways.  When  Lugo  finished  his  call,  Kaga

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