Page 178 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 178

Investigating the Mystery of the Talking Plant
          With that, Farnitt turned and went back into his office. Before Lugo
        could  utter  the  question  forming  on  his  lips,  Kaga  interrupted  him
          “Let’s be on our way,  Lieutenant.The morning is going fast.”
        When they were back in the exhibition area, Lugo said in a low voice,
        “You just made up another story for Farnitt: is that part of the plan,
          “Yes, it is. Now, let’s just be sure that, the Tzigian  gallery is really
        closed up tightly. Ah, here it is. It doesn’t look like anyone could get in
        without breaking down the door—or knowing how to open it.”
          A large placard in front of the room announced that the exhibit was
        temporarily  closed  for  alterations.  Kaga  and  Lugo  continued  past  it
        and entered the alien quarters. The birdlike attendant was still on duty;
        Lugo asked him if Miss Woswoot had come in yet. Upon learning that
        she had not, he asked the receptionist to page him as soon as she did
        arrive. He also requested that the guests be notified that he was paying
        his daily visit. This done, the two officers continued on to the guest
          “I usually go to see General Sleeth first,” explained Lugo, as they
        entered  the  anteroom  immediately  on  their  left.  “He  doesn’t  sleep
        much—he says—so there’s no danger of arriving too early for him.”
          “Tell me a little about him. Is he really in the military?”
          “Yes.  Garbon  is  a  very  warlike  planet.  Their  weapons  are  fairly
        sophisticated  compared  to  their  social  organization.  If  we  hadn’t
        arrived  and  enforced  peaceful  trade  on  the  Garbonese,  they  would
        have soon embarked on a conquest of their solar system. Luckily we
        found a use for lorfus oil; if they’d had nothing to sell, we might not
        have been able to prevent an interplanetary war from breaking out.”
          “Garbon?” asked Captain Kaga.  “Isn’t  that  in  the  same  system  as
          “Why, yes, it is, now that you mention it. But—”
          He  was  cut  off  by  the  flashing  of  a  light  over  the  inner  portal.
        Suddenly the temperature went up several degrees and the air became
        tinged with a sulfurous yellow fog.
          “Here, take one of these portable respirators,” said Lugo. “We can
        manage the rest of it for a few minutes.”
          The  door  opened  and  they  entered  General  Sleeth’s  habitat.
        Through watering eyes, Kaga saw a large metallic structure in front of

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