Page 179 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 179
Investigating the Mystery of the Talking Plant
him. It was surrounded by jagged rocks and what looked like large
fragments of broken glass. The noxious fumes emanated on all sides
from tiny fissures around its perimeter, accompanied by a low hissing
sound. The structure, which had seemed without door or window,
suddenly broke in two. A tall reptilian creature stood revealed before
them. It pointed a long crystalline tube at their midsections and
advanced menacingly on two heavy hind legs.
“Good morning, General,” said Lugo quickly, through his Languex.
“I’ve brought a friend along this morning to talk with you.”
The monster halted and abruptly put down its weapon. It had a
thick wrinkled hide, yellow-green eyes, and sharp protruding teeth.
“Bah!” it rumbled through the translator. “I keep forgetting you know
my zort gun isn’t loaded. Well, I suppose you humans prefer unarmed
combat, anyway. If I weren’t so old…”
“Old?” said Lugo diplomatically. “Not at all, General. I think it
would take several dozen of us puny mammals to subdue a powerful
foe like you.”
“You really think so?” said Sleeth. “Well, what can I do for you
while I’m in such a good mood?”
“Ahem!” said Kaga. “I’m Captain Kaga, and I’ve heard many stories
about the prowess of your race. Is it true that you can fight day and
night without sleeping?”
“Certainly!” roared the General. “Garbonese are not the weaklings
found on other worlds. When we decide to go after an enemy, nothing
stops us until we have fought to the death. Of course, I’m not as spry
as I used to be…but I’m still plenty tough!”
“What about the warriors of Tzigi?” asked Kaga. “I’ve heard they
can put up quite a fight, too.”
The reptilian gasped and croaked; Kaga guessed he was laughing.
“Ho!” Sleeth belched. “That’s absurd! Before the PKU arrived, we
had plans to invade Tzigi—long before any of us knew their strength;
but that wouldn’t have stopped us! Ha! Then, here at last I met one of
them, a limp piece of mush that would collapse if you yelled at it. We
would have had no trouble destroying those wormheads!”
“Too bad you didn’t get the chance, General,” said Kaga, coughing.
“Chance? A chance to kill an insignificant blob like that Bulakko?
Ha! I could do it in my sleep!”