Page 51 - Just Deserts
P. 51

Revelation Research

        She was able to remove vials of blood which had tested HIV-positive
        from  laboratory  consignments  of  contaminants  destined  for
        destruction. Then she mixed small quantities of the infected serum
        with  standard  vaccination  dosages  and  distributed  them  to  her
        cronies. They were all committed to their goal, and not one would
        consider  revealing  the  truth  to  anyone  else.  Except  Florence,  who
        thought  Mary  was  sufficiently  indoctrinated  to  receive  the
        information. Or it may have been that Florence simply had an urge to
        confess, or to brag. That’s not really relevant.”
          Hugh  fell silent as  the  coffee arrived,  and Karp  remained tight-
        lipped and grim. Then the researcher continued. “The point is that
        Florence  misjudged  Mary.  Although  she  had  entered  the  witches’
        coven, and embraced that devil’s creed, Mary retained some kernel of
        decency.  I  think  she  must  have  been  brought  up a  Christian,  then
        fallen  by  the  wayside  as  so  many  do  when  confronted  by  the
        temptations  of  modern  life.  At  any  rate,  after  another  year  had
        passed,  Mary’s  airline  went  through  some  financial  reversals  and
        greatly  curtailed  its  operations  in  Miami.  She  was  transferred  here,
        and that broke the hold that those militant feminists had on her. One
        day Our Lord revealed Himself to her, and she was born again as a
        true  Christian.  She  left  her  position  with  the  airline  and  took  her
        present  job  with  a  charitable  organization  providing  free  medical
        screening  at  shopping  centers.  But  her  knowledge  tormented  her.
        She knew a terrible wrong had been done; at the same time, however,
        she  feared  retribution  from  her  former  associates  if  she  accused
        them. The conflict appears to have resolved itself now, perhaps as a
        consequence of her meeting me, and she is ready to go public—only
        with adequate protection, of course. We would have to guarantee her
          “We would?” said Hugh, emphasizing the pronoun.
          “All  right,  Liberty  Lobby  would.  Revelation  Research  certainly
        doesn’t  have  the  resources,  and  I  frankly  don’t  trust  my  own
        supervisors as much as you and your board of directors. Honestly,
        Mr. Karp, this is really big. If we don’t handle her with kid gloves,
        she’ll bolt—leave Washington, go back to her home town somewhere
        out in the hinterlands, and we’ll never get another chance to blow the

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