Page 2 - 2022 Vendor College Raffle Winners
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Charity Raffle for St. Jude

                                    Children’s Research Hospital

                                            & Shriners International

                                               Over $10,000 of Great Prizes!

                 Brand                    Prize Description                    Value        Winning Ticket #

                                        Case of XP Synthetic Oil               $190           264273

                                       Case of GP-1 Synthetic Oil
                                                                               $120           264298
                                              (2 Drawings)

                                     Same as above - - - - - - >>>>             $85           263438

                                          Mini-Bearing Packer                   $70           264849

                                     100 Gram Tube of Low-Drag
                                                                                $50           264259
                                       High-Performance Grease
                                        $50 Product Certificate
                                                                                $50           263961
                                              (2 Drawings)

                                     Same as above - - - - - - >>>>             - - -         263462

                                           $50 Gift Certificate                 $50           128062

                                          $250 Gift Certificate
                                                                               $250           264313
                                              (2 Drawings)

                                     Same as above - - - - - - >>>>             - - -         263153

                Our Many Thanks To These Fine Companies For

              Their Generous Donations!  It’s All About the Kids!
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