Page 7 - 2022 Vendor College Raffle Winners
P. 7

Charity Raffle for St. Jude

                                    Children’s Research Hospital

                                            & Shriners International

                                               Over $10,000 of Great Prizes!

                 Brand                    Prize Description                    Value        Winning Ticket #

                                     Suspension Measuring Plate
                                                                               $100           264957
                                       #WM338MP (2 Drawings)

                                     Same as above - - - - - - >>>>             - - -         263085

                                     Carb Feet (Set of 4) - #WM47               $45           263509
                                              (2 Drawings)

                                     Same as above - - - - - - >>>>             - - -         264286

                                   M12 and M18 Battery Holder w/
                                                                                $45           264867
                                         Retention - #WM1218

                                     Same as above - - - - - - >>>>             - - -         264413

                                       $100 Product Certificate
                                                                               $100           264239
                                              (2 Drawings)

                                     Same as above - - - - - - >>>>             - - -         264616

                                        $50 Product Certificate
                                                                                $50           264264
                                              (6 Drawings)

                                             264512                        263264  263612

                                                                                                     - - -
                                             263594                        264098
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9