Page 6 - 2022 Vendor College Raffle Winners
P. 6
Charity Raffle for St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital
& Shriners International
Over $10,000 of Great Prizes!
Brand Prize Description Value Winning Ticket #
Gift Certificate - 5 Gallons of 100
$50 264256
Octane Race Fuel (10 Drawings)
264328 264943 264619
264370 263685 264652
264571 264084 264392
$50 Product Certificate
$50 128097
(10 Drawings)
264624 263123 128064
264546 263472 128077
263404 264382 263380
$25 RCE Gift Card $25 264921
Ride Height Setup Sticks
$85 264983
(Pair) - #WM394 (2 Drawings)
Same as above - - - - - - >>>> - - - 264428