Page 4 - 2022 Vendor College Raffle Winners
P. 4

Charity Raffle for St. Jude

                                    Children’s Research Hospital

                                            & Shriners International

                                               Over $10,000 of Great Prizes!

                 Brand                    Prize Description                    Value        Winning Ticket #

                                       $50 Gift Certificate (con’t)
                                                                                $50           264274
                                              (10 Drawings)

                                             264378                        264275  264757

                                             264406                        263628  264792

                                             264108                        264425  264993

                                        $50 Product Certificate            264534  263791

                                              (2 Drawings)

                                       $150 Product Certificate                $150           264314

                                       $250 Product Certificate                $250           264174

                                  One Gallon of Pimp Juice Traction
                                                                                $60           264299

                                        $50 Product Certificate
                                                                                $50           263039
                                              (4 Drawings)

                                             264484                        263001  128010

                Our Many Thanks To These Fine Companies For

              Their Generous Donations!  It’s All About the Kids!
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