Page 144 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 144

Reason To Sing

                              PART TWO

                Music, Marriage &  Misbehavior

                             Chapter Twenty-Five

                         Cheap Blue Blanket

          The  blinding  Sunday  sun  bursts  through  our  apartment
          window.  That’s our wake-up call. No sleeping in today. Or
          any day for that matter. There are no curtains or blinds, not in
          this bedroom. We snuggle our warm bodies close together. I
          wrap my nakedness around his tall, lean frame, mostly because
          I don’t want to fall off the mattress. It’s a good thing I’m
          petite because he is more than 6 ft tall. But at least when we
          get a little rambunctious, we don’t have far to fall. This lonely
          single mattress is the only piece of furniture in our bleak little
          bedroom. There is not even a Farrah Fawcett poster or cheap
          velvet painting to brighten up the wall. Not a lamp. Not a chair.
          Nothing! But hey, that’s student poverty for you.
              The cheap, blue synthetic blanket is anything but cozy and
          soft. A Walmart special, probably. And the sheets? Well, as my
          mother used to say, You could spit right through them. You know
          what? These things don’t matter to me. The warmth of flesh on
          flesh and hearts intertwined is the most amazing feeling I have
          ever experienced. This all feels so new. Totally foreign. I guess
          this is what it feels like to be safe. Being held. Feeling loved.
          Not having a care in the world. I don’t think I ever realized how

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