Page 293 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 293
Chapter Forty-Six
madness. I am starting to imagine all the sordid details of every
secret liaison. Whose bed were they in? Hers? Ours? Where
did they meet? Was the sex great? Was she better than me?
My worst nightmare has come true.
I crawl back up onto the bed and bury myself under the
covers. I want to curl up and die. But I can’t. I am much too
As I try to calm myself and get some sleep, I grasp for the
one positive realization. The vision God gave me was real. I did
hear from Him. He did show me the truth. I whisper out loud,
God you answered my prayers. You were with me. I knew you were
there. You knew how desperate I was to know the truth. I WAS
NOT CRAZY! Thank you, Lord, thank you. You are the one true
saving grace in my life.